Links to information about key
change agents:
Adorno, Gramsci, Lukács & Marx
dialectic process of radical social change demands
continual tension or crisis. These may be spontaneous or
manufactured. This book helped lay the foundation for the psycho-social
strategies that have transformed education and culture around the world.
Based on the research begun at Tavistock (England), continued at the
Frankfurt Institute (Germany) then moved to MIT, Columbia University,
Stanford and various tax-funded "Educational Laboratories" after World War
II, it established the strategies for brainwashing that now permeate our
schools, media and organizations.
Brainwashing in America,
Molding Human Resources
for a Global Workforce &
Brainwashing and "Education Reform"
DIAPRAX and the End of the Ages,
Frankfurt Institute and Theodor Adorno
| A New
Way of Thinking
Georg Lukács 1968
Democratisation Today and Tomorrow: Part II:
"Marx recognizes the economic (the Kingdom of Necessity) as the
indispensable basis for communism (the Kingdom of Freedom). He rejects every
form of utopianism, and at the same time designates the Kingdom of Freedom
as 'the other world' of the Kingdom of Necessity.... And even when Marx
gives an account of the economic determinism of a social formation, he never
neglects to also take into account the teleological praxis of men.
For Marx, social evolution cannot be solely accounted for on the
basis of the immanent dialectic of economic development."
Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought:
This page lists biographies and writings by leading psycho-social change agents
such as Theodor Adorno, Antonio Gramsci, Georg Lukács, Herbert Marcuse and
Karl Marx. It also defines and explains terms such as Postmodernism and Critical Theory,
and it provides helpful information about institutes that developed these
subversive mind control strategies such as the Frankfurt School.
"Postmodernity (also called post-modernity or the postmodern condition) is a term used by philosophers, social scientists, art critics and social critics to refer to aspects of contemporary art, culture, economics and social conditions that are the result of the unique features of late 20th century and early 21st century life. Among these features are included globalization, consumerism, the fragmentation of authority, and the commoditization of knowledge."
BRAINWASHING: How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare:
"...the Rockefeller Foundation funded a project to study the
effects of radio on the population.
Recruited to what became known as the 'Radio Research Project,' headquartered at Princeton
University, were sections of the Frankfurt School, now transplanted from
Germany to America.... Heading
the project was the Frankfurt School's Paul Lazerfeld; his assistant directors
were Cantril and Allport, along with Frank Stanton, who was to head the CBS News
division, and later become its president, as well as chairman of the board of
the RAND Corporation.
"The project was presaged by theoretical work done earlier in the studies of
war propaganda and psychosis, and the work of Frankfurt School operatives
Walter Benjamin and Theodor Adorno. This earlier work had converged on the
thesis that mass media could be used to induce regressive mental states,
atomizing individuals and producing increased lability. (These induced
mental conditions were later dubbed by Tavistock itself as 'brainwashed'
states, and the process of inducing them called 'brainwashing.''')
"In 1938, at the time he was head of the music section of the Radio Research
Project, Adorno wrote that listeners to radio music programs:
'fluctuate between comprehensive forgetting and sudden dives into
recognition. They listen atomistically and dissociate what they hear.... They
are not childlike, but they are childish; their primitivism is not that of the
undeveloped, but that of the forcibly retarded.'
The Radio Research Project's findings, published in 1939, backed up Adorno's
thesis of 'enforced retardation,' and serve as a brainwashers'
"The project's researchers had proven that radio had already so conditioned
the minds of its listeners, making them so fragmented and unthinking, that
repetition of format was the key to popularity."
by L. Wolfe, The American Almanac, May
5, 1997.
1. "The Nazis had already extensively used radio propaganda for
brainwashing, as an integral element of the fascist state. This was
observed and studied by the Tavistock networks."
2. "It is important to note that there is nothing inherently evil with
radio, television, or any form of technology. What makes them dangerous
is the control of their use and content by the Club of Isles networks
for evil purposes, to create habituated, and even fixated listeners and
viewers, whose critical capacities are thus seriously impaired."
See also
Adorno & Lukaks and
Dialectical Imagination
Force Field
analysis and
Dissatisfaction (a crisis) for social transformation