"In short, the 'house of world order' will
have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down.
It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use
William James' famous description of reality, but an end run
around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will
accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."

"The hopeful aspect of the present situation
is that even as nations resist appeals for 'world government' and
'the surrender of sovereignty,' technological, economic and
political interests are forcing them to establish more and more
far-reaching arrangements to manage their mutual interdependence." (p.559)

"The Soviet Union, China and the United States may be unable to agree on the
general rules that should cover U.N. peacekeeping in all
unspecified future contingencies, but they may well agree on a U.N.
peacekeeping force to secure a permanent Middle East
settlement that is otherwise satisfactory to them.
"The same three
countries are unlikely to accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice over all disputes to which they
might be parties, but they may very well agree upon effective
third-party machinery for compulsory settlement of disputes on the
specific subjects dealt with in a new Law of the Sea
agreement—where they recognize compelling national interests in
getting other nations as well as themselves to comply with the
"Thus, while we will not see "world government" in the
old-fashioned sense of a single all-embracing global authority, key
elements of planetary planning and planetary management will come
about on those very specific problems where the facts of
interdependence force nations, in their enlightened self-interest,
to abandon unilateral decision-making in favor of multilateral
processes." (p.563)