Blending Vodoo, Witchcraft and "Christianity"Letter below from Felicia N. in Zimbabwe, Africa, 2001 Remember, Felicia is describing what she has observed in her region Now, a decade later, witchcraft is on the rise -- in America as well as Africa. |
But first, a few illustrations of spiritual syncretism closer to home [more will be added below]:
In stark contrast, the true Jesus --our sovereign Lord and King --told His disciples:
"Few Africans [that Felicia knew in Zimbabwe] were truly Christians. The problem stems from the fact that there is just too much
of this 'cultural' (read demon worship) approach to almost all aspects of life even amongst said Christians."
When a baby is born into a family there is some slaughter of an animal and sprinkling of blood so as to "welcome the baby into the clan" and it is then named. The baby too has to have charms worn around his/her waist in protection from evil spirits when the child reaches puberty there is an initiation ceremony.
Wedding ceremonies usually have the marriage being consecrated to the ancestral spirits for blessings. death ceremonies dedicate the soul into the hands of the ancestral spirits for safe travel into the hereafter.
In every culture across the whole continent, business men usually have their businesses protected and flourish under the aid of demons. Basically, they have to kill a member of their family (sacrifice to Satan) for all this to be effected. They are then given a spiritual "guardian/protector" who gives orders which they must follow in order to be successful. They can also be given a human zombie to be their slave (e.g.: sew clothes for sale from morning to night).
Healers/Prophets. These are to heal the people of illnesses they can not afford medicine for or which a white man's medicine has failed. Of course the cures do have demonic components to them but most don't know......as long as it works God must be there, right? [Wrong!]These folk also help in cases of demonic possession....I went to one when I was still so IGNORANT. I was made to strip and the prophetess bathed me in milk and eucalyptus oil. She made me face east, north, south, west and at each location said an appropriate incantation. She then "blessed" a candle and told me to pray using this candle until it burnt out. She told a friend to use salt to break curses......I now know all these to be occult rituals.
Cultural practices. People are innocently demonically influenced by having most parts of their bodies pierced and inserted with either bone particles or jewelry which would have been "blessed". Also, some prints on the fabric worn traditionally are none other than occultic symbols. Tourism ignorantly purchase and take home demonically contaminated curios, ornaments, artifacts etc not knowing how they have "an accursed thing".
Barrenness. Women who are barren (this truly is an utterly DISGRACEFUL condition in all African cultures) go to some healer who gives them a strange concoction to drink and utters an appropriate incantation. A few months later the woman gives birth. I personally have always wondered whether or not the offsprings are demon-possessed from birth. Of course demons can cause barrenness in the first place.
General spitefulness. If folk clash over any issue they can consult a witchdoctor for adequate procedures to follow in order to get their own back [revenge]. They can "learn" astral projection in order to go and physically go and wreak havoc on their assailant invisibly [they go there by their spirits].
Satanism. This is really on the increase in Africa. The initiates are tested deep in the heart of African jungles in what the west would call satan's pits. Also they have rebirthing ceremonies and they meet under the sea [really]. Some people are influenced into this by sex with satanists (transference of spirits).
Double-minded Christians. The SAD truth is that Christians for the most part do not want the cross and really love mammon more than God. Also they prefer the ostrich approach (i.e. bury their head in the sand). They actually glory in their ignorance and fear of all things satanic BUT at the same time Satan has his way with them.I will testify to this since in my family ALWAYS reprimands me for my research in Satan's tactics on Christians. 99% Christians are church goers who pay allegiance to the local witchdoctors/witches/sorcerers so they will not be "tormented". The word of the cross is utter foolishness to them and I really wonder if most of them are saved to begin with. Satan loves to counterfeit the gifts of the Holy Spirit on them especially "slaying in the spirit", spiritual experiences with UNholy spirits, false prophesies and words of knowledge ad infinitum.
These obviously only are the tip of the iceberg! Professing Christians are at church on Sunday and off to mediums for guidance during the week. NEARLY EVERY FAMILY I KNOW HAS FAMILIAR OBJECTS IN THEIR HOMES. These as you know are little figurines of the demon-gods for protection or simply in the ignorance as curios (ornamental objects).....all my family members have these no matter what I have explicitly said. (Recall the story of Achan who bought spoils from the battle when God forbade this and Paul and John do warn to keep away from idols since demons obtain legal ground from God to wreak havoc on the persons involved).
I hope I have been of assistance to you. Please feel free to reproduce any of the above and mail me if you have ANY queries.
Oh.... I do understand that God does expect us to test the spirits [1 John 4:12] and recall how Paul really recommended the Bereans. So do wait on the Holy Spirit's confirmation as to the validity of all this.......you most certainly will not offend me. The world is evil and I do encourage you on this point.
In the Master's service,
See also the items below:
CATEGORY . People traffickers 'flung 12 human sacrifices from Italy-bound boat in voodoo ritual to calm stormy seas' : Five people have been arrested on suspicion of murder after more than a dozen illegal immigrants [from Libya headed for Italy] were thrown from a boat in a 'voodoo ritual to calm stormy seas,' an Italian prosecutor revealed today. Survivors gave police an horrific account of how human 'sacrifices' were picked from a ship crammed with 400 people after the engine failed. The captain, a Nigerian, allegedly picked the victims on ethnic origin or nationality. Witnesses described a number of women performing a macabre 'magic dance' before the victims were flung overboard to 'calm the seas and placate the devil'. ...Prosecutor Ignazio Fonzo...said, 'Survivors told us that the captain of the boat, a Nigerian, was the leader of the rituals that began after the engine on the boat failed and they were left stranded in stormy seas. Mr Fonzo said: 'Survivors told us that the captain of the boat, a Nigerian, was the leader of the rituals that began after the engine on the boat failed and they were left stranded in stormy seas....'One man was selected taken down into the hold and beaten before being led back up on deck and then thrown into the sea with his hands tied. 'As this happened prayers, chanting and dancing took place and it was said he was sacrificed to cast out demons and calm the seas. 'This happened several times...'One man was selected taken down into the hold and beaten before being led back up on deck and then thrown into the sea with his hands tied. 'As this happened prayers, chanting and dancing took place and it was said he was sacrificed to cast out demons and calm the seas. 'This happened several times
Sacred and perfect am I: "In November 1993, that allure [of feminist spirituality] drew over 2000 women from mainline churches in 49 states and 27 countries to Minneapolis, Minnesota. They came together to re-imagine Jesus, themselves, their sexuality, and their world. Like their spiritual sisters in local circles, they wanted a new god with a feminine face.... Funded in part by their Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist and Lutheran denominations, the four-day conference sent shock waves across our nation that are still shaking the Church.....'We invoke Sophia, Divine Wisdom...' prayed 2000 women and about sixty men at the opening ceremony to the RE-imagining conference in Minneapolis. 'Let her speak and bless us throughout these days.'"
"Child Sacrifice in the New Age: Salem's Witch Cult and America's Abortion Industry": [By Jay Rogers] "20th century Nazi Germany is yet another example of how a revival of neo-Paganism led to adult human sacrifice. In The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer points to a sterilization law passed in 1933 as the event which began the persecution of Christians and Jews throughout Germany. Abortion was also made legal during this time. This was the spiritual impetus which brought a revival of human sacrifices being offered to ancient pagan deities - complete with [occult] Nazi rituals - to the forefront. The Holocaust was preceded by vast pageants which Hitler used to promote neo-Paganism. Resolutions were drawn up requiring all pastors to take an oath of allegiance to Hitler.... Pastors who resisted were jailed.
"History tells us that neo-Paganism has experienced sporadic revivals, but also that the Church has had great success in openly confronting witchcraft and the practice of child sacrifice. But whenever the Church has compromised with pagan culture, she herself has become paganized....Pagan cultures that have worshipped false gods and practiced human sacrifice - Canaanites; Carthage; the Celtic tribes; and Nazi Germany - faced immanent destruction. This scenario is being replayed today.... We are facing the immanent paganization of our culture."