Mohammad Haj Amin al-Husseini, soon to be Grand Mufti of Jerusalem,
prompted the first large-scale pogrom against Jewish settlers in
Palestine. Thousands of innocent Jewish settlers (along with their moderate
Muslim neighbors) were slaughtered.
Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood was founded during the 1920s [some
point to 1928] by Hassan Al Banna, a young Egyptian schoolteacher who admired
Hitler and was captivated by his message. According to
John Loftus,
a former prosecutor with the US Justice Department, Al-Banna was so persistent
in his "admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930s Al Banna and the
Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi Intelligence."
translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf |
we know that the Muslim Brotherhood has been spreading its ideology through
Europe and America as well as the Arab world. It's ultimate goal is global Islamic
theocracy. In the article, "Muslim
Brotherhood; not quite the YMCA," Bill
Randles gives us a glimpse of its violent history, ideology and influence:
"After several assassination
attempts by the Muslim brotherhood, [Egyptian President]
Nasser severely repressed the movement in
Egypt, killing several of its leaders and imprisoning
and torturing hundreds of others. Nasser was succeeded
by Anwar Sadat as president of Egypt, but
after signing a peace treaty with Israel, Sadat
was assassinated by troops he was reviewing, who
were, you guessed it, Muslim Brothers.
"Sadat’s vice president
in Egypt, Hosni Mubarak knew who he was dealing
with in the Muslim brotherhood, and continued the
Egyptian policy of repression. One of the Muslim
Brothers that had been imprisoned was Ayman Al
Zawahiri, the Egyptian pediatrician who became
Osama bin Laden’s right hand man.
"Another of the Egyptian
Muslim Brothers imprisoned was Sayyid Qutb, who
has provided the intellectual basis for the current
violent world Jihad. His books have inspired
Osama Bin Laden, Zawahiri, and countless other
Jihadi’s the world over, to seek the overthrow of
secular Muslim governments and the destruction of
America, Israel and the civilized world in the name
of Allah....
"Did I mention 'The
Brotherhood' is in 70 nations, and there is even
a well established US branch? They usually wear
ties and are professional apologists for Islam,
and through an army of attorneys wage 'lawfare'
against western nations. They are the inspiration
for Hamas, Al Qaida, and CAIR, (the Council
on American and Islamic relations)."
Though himself a Jew, Sir Herbert Samuel, the British high commissioner of the
Palestine Mandate, made an unthinkable choice: he appointed the al-Husseini
as grand mufti of Jerusalem -- in spite of vigorous protest from most Palestinian
Arabs as well as from Jewish settlers. Given such power, the militant al-Husseini
would have the authority needed to fuel ongoing hatred and violence against
all Jews and the many moderate Arabs who opposed him throughout the Muslim world.
Sir Samuel's cruel and absurd appointment illustrates our
human nature. Faced
with anti-Semitism, many ambitious traitors have gained power by denying their
Jewish background and joining the prevailing hostility against their own people.
Al-Husseini organized the All-Islamic Conference in Jerusalem. Honored
as their president, he became the acknowledged leader of the Arab world.[p.44]
A time of "unprecedented Jewish Immigration"
from Europe, prompted by the rise of Hitler, his spreading hatred, and the rising
threat of persecution. Meanwhile, Al-Husseini's Palestine Arab Party
planned to expel all Jewish settlers to fulfill his vision of a pan-Arab
(January 30).
Hitler's election as chancellor of Germany accelerated al-Husseini's influence
and efforts to establish "distinctly Nazi-Arab-style organizations." Al-Husseini
help create the Young Egypt Green Shirts who copied the Nazi Party and started
their own version of Hitler's sig heil salute. Like Hitler's stormtroopers,
they would carry out terror campaigns against Jews and more accommodating Arabs.[47-48]
Among its rising young leaders would be Egypt's
future president Gamel Abdel Nasser. They embraced Nazi slogans and inspired
other pro-Nazi parties in the Arab world. Hitler's first congratulatory telegrams
came from Arab capitals.[p.45,47]
Al-Husseini "received millions of dollars from the Italian Fascist Foreign
minister Count Caleazzo Ciano for the purpose of poisoning the water wells of
Tel Aviv."[p.57]
Al-Husseini met in Palestine with Francois Genoud, the Swiss banker of the Third
Reich -- the start of a long and "fruitful" personal relationship that lasted
until al-Husseini's death in 1974. From his base in Berlin, Genoud would fund
all kinds of anti-Jewish propaganda campaigns in the Arab world during the years
Al-Husseini prompted numerous riots against the British as well as Palestinian
Jews. This "Arab Revolt" was initiated by a planned "crisis": Al-Husseini
secret network had spread a false rumor that four Arabs and been slaughtered
by Jews. Though this rumor was fast proven false, the carnage quickly spread.
This Nazi-style "systematic extermination" of Jews would also include Arabs
suspected of being disloyal or opposed to Al-Husseini. Though the Nazified Arabs
accused Jews of conspiring to dispose of all Arabs in Palestine, the truth was
the reverse: Al Husseini planned to exterminate all Jews from Arab lands!
During the thirties, the Muslim Brotherhood
grew fast. In addition to its initial focus on social welfare and Sharia law,
it attracted followers in Egypt and the Middle East because of its anti-Semitic
stand. By the end of World War II the Muslim Brotherhood could boast of half
a million members. It's founder, Al-Banna helped distribute the Arab version
of Hitler's Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
thus fueling the rising hostility toward Jews and their Western supporters..
Al-Banna expressed his zeal in these words,
"To a nation that perfects the industry of death
and which knows how to die nobly, God gives proud life in this world and
eternal grace in the life to come" [and] "We are not afraid of death, we
desire it... Let us die in redemption for Muslims."
(John Loftus)
Adolf Eichmann ruled the Department of Jewish Affairs in Nazi Germany. Sharing
al-Husseini's hatred, he would oversee the transport of 3 million Jews to concentrations
camps both in Germany in Nazi-occupied Europe. He also wrote glowing reports
of the Nazi ideals embraced by Arabs: "Nazi flags fly in Palestine and they
adorn their houses with Swastikas and portraits of Hitler."[p.61]
[The Nazi killing machine] "Auschwitz,
which wasn't purely a 'death camp,' lives on in our memory due in large part
to those who lived to tell the tale. Through his access to Eastern European
sources, Mr. Snyder also takes the reader to places like Babi Yar, Treblinka
and Belzec. These were Nazi mass-murder sites that left virtually no survivors....
The killing began east of the Ribbentrop-Molotov line. Most of the victims were
shot over pits. Nearly half of the millions of Jews killed by the Germans died
in lands taken from the Soviets. In territory that the Nazis occupied in 1939,
the extermination started later.
The innovation was the gas chamber
in the main 'death factories' at Treblinka, Chelmno, Belzec, Majdanekand Sobibor,
which took in Jews only to kill them.
By the time the sixth death camp came
on line at Birkenau, near Auschwitz, in early 1943, more than three-quarters
of the Jews killed in the Holocaust, and most Soviet and Polish Jews, were already
Matthew Kaminski, "How
Stalin and then Hitler turned the borderlands of Eastern Europe into killing
1947' was a worn-out
U.S.-owned coastal passenger ship launched in 1928. ....Initially sold as
scrap for slightly more than $8,000, the ship was acquired by the Hagana
[an "underground" Jewish military organization -- since Jews had neither a nation
nor any rights, there had no legal "organizations"]....
July 1947, the [old 'Exodus 1947' left] for Palestine with over 4,500 Jewish
men, women, and children, all displaced persons (DPs) or survivors of the
Holocaust. Even before the ship... reached Palestine's territorial waters,
British destroyers surrounded it....Attempting to make an example of the
'Exodus 1947,'the British transferred the passengers onto three navy transports
which returned to Europe....
the passengers, including many orphaned children, forced the issue by declaring
a hunger strike, the British were forced to return them to Hamburg in the
British-occupied zone of Germany. Amid worldwide public outrage, the British
authorities compelled the passengers to disembark; some were forcibly removed
from the ship. The passengers were then transferred to displaced persons
camps in Germany. Displaced persons in camps all over Europe protested vociferously
and staged hunger strikes when they heard the news. Large protests erupted on
both sides of the Atlantic. The ensuing public embarrassment for Britain played
a significant role in the diplomatic swing of sympathy toward the Jews and the
eventual recognition of a Jewish state in 1948.
The Nazi-styled Muslim Military
in Serbian Bosnia
Hitler's armies invaded the Balkans -- a blend of
Serbian Orthodox and Albanian Muslim citizens. There, Hitler stationed a Nazi-Muslim
unit. Al-Husseini called the "Arab Liberation force."
Living in a luxurious former
Jewish home in Berlin, Al-Husseini met with SS Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler,
who put Al-Husseini in charge of recruiting Muslim into Nazi armies in the Balkans,
Russia, North Africa and the Middle East. About "100,000 European Muslims were
recruited to fight for Nazi Germany..."[p.86-87]
Croatia (including Bosnia-Herzegovina)
was controlled by Nazi sympathizers led by a coalition of Catholics and Muslims.
Its militia wing launched a genocidal assault on the Christian Orthodox Serbs,
Russians, Roma (gypsies) and Jewish minorities. "For minorities
such as Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, we have three million bullets," wrote Croatian
leader Mile Budak.
Croatian Nazis
killed about 200,000 Serbs, 40,000 Gypsies and 22,000.
A Nazi order released all Muslim troops to the leadership of al-Husseini. They
were renamed the Bosnian Hanzar brigades and would soon grow to about 22,000
men -- the third largest unit of Hitler's Waffen-SS. In addition to fighting
the war, they led the ethnic cleansing and deportation of Jews to Croatia's
Kruscica Concentration Camp, a transfer station en route to Auschwitz.
By summer, the Hanzars controlled eastern and northern Bosnia, where they continued
to slaughter Serbs and demolish villages. As Chuck Morse stated in his book,
some of the tough Serbian response to a Muslim-controlled Bosnia in the
1990s was a result of the crimes committed against the Serbian minority
of Bosnia in those years.... Serbia, even while under brutal Nazi occupation,
protected its minorities, including the Jews."[p.90]
Intriguing insights
into the roots of the well-planned Yugoslavian holocaust of the
From Part 10 of "The
Power Elite [PE] and the Secret Nazi Plan" by Dennis L. Cuddy,
Bosnian Peace Accords were signed November 1995 with Croatian
anti-Semitic, anti-Serb] leader
Tudjman saying he believed the agreements would 'result in lasting
peace and create conditions necessary for the establishment of
a new international order in this part of the world.'...
"But Yugoslav leader Milosovic
[head of the Serbian Communist party] was still a problem, so the
PE [Globalist
Power Elites] had to devise a means to remove him. The Arab
Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Al Qaeda (Osama bin Laden)
allied with Albanian Muslims to support the Muslim Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA).
According to former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia James Bissett...
“We now know that NATO countries were inciting violence in
Kosovo and attempting to destabilize that Serbian
province…. Media reports have revealed that as early as 1998,
the Central Intelligence Agency, assisted by the British
Special Armed Services, were arming and training Kosovo Liberation
Army members in Albania to foment armed rebellion in Kosovo.
KLA terrorists were sent back into Kosovo to assassinate Serbian
mayors, ambush Serbian policemen, and do everything possible to
incite murder and chaos…. After bombing Yugoslavia into submission,
NATO then stood by and submissively allowed the KLA [Muslim
Kosovo Liberation Army]
to murder, pillage and burn….' On June 3, 1999 Milosovic accepted
NATO’s demands to stop the bombing. This was after he was indicted
by the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia on May 24
for war crimes. On April 21, 2001 he was arrested and then
extradited to The Hague in June. In February 2002 his trial started,
and in January 2003 he pled not guilty. While the trial was
still going on, he was found mysteriously dead in his cell
in March 2006.
"Milosovic was no longer an obstacle to the
PE’s plans to connect the EU to the future
Mediterranean Union (MU)
to be established formally January 27, 2010 (see
In anticipation of the MU’s formal establishment, on January 21,
2010 the first meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional & Local
Assembly (ARLEM) was called by PE agent Javier Solana, who
had been simply a physics instructor in Virginia, but later made
political head of NATO by Rhodes scholars Bill Clinton, Strobe Talbot
and Richard Gardner."
Other sources of information:
History Behind The Scenes:
"Roosevelt told Stalin and Churchill that he was going on to meet
with the Saudi king after the Big Three disbanded at their Crimea confab.
... Stalin asked FDR if he would make any concessions to the king. 'The president
replied that there was only one concession he thought he might offer, and that
was to give him the 6 million Jews in the United States,' the notes read."
While Christians in the West had
sought to protected and save human life, Nazi leaders and their
elite partners would
soon wage war against such impractical ideals. In
"Population Control, Nazis, and
the UN,"
Anton Chaitkin gives us a glimpse of this transformation:
Rockefeller Foundation is the prime sponsor of public relations for the
United Nations' drastic depopulation program.... Oil monopolist John D.
Rockefeller created the family-run Rockefeller Foundation in 1909. By 1929
he had placed $300 million worth of the family's controlling interest in
the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (now called ``Exxon'') to the account
of the Foundation.
"The Foundation's money created the medical specialty known as Psychiatric
Genetics. For the new experimental field, the Foundation reorganized
medical teaching in Germany, creating and thenceforth continuously directing
the 'Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry' and the 'Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity.' The Rockefellers'
chief executive of these institutions was the fascist Swiss psychiatrist
Ernst Rudin....
"In 1932, the British-led
'Eugenics' movement designated the Rockefellers' Dr. Rudin as the president
of the worldwide Eugenics Federation. The movement called for the killing
or sterilization of people whose heredity made them a public burden....A
few months later, Hitler took over Germany and the Rockefeller-Rudin apparatus
became a section of the Nazi state. The regime appointed Rudin head of
the Racial Hygiene Society. Rudin and his staff, as part of the Task
Force of Heredity Experts chaired by SS chief Heinrich Himmler, drew
up the sterilization law....
the Nazis, the German chemical company I.G. Farben and Rockefeller's
Standard Oil of New Jersey were effectively a single firm... Following the
German invasion of Poland in 1939, Standard Oil pledged to keep the merger
with I.G. Farben going even if the U.S. entered the war.... In 1940-41,
I.G. Farben built a gigantic factory at
Auschwitz in Poland, to
utilize the Standard Oil/I.G. Farben patents with concentration camp
slave labor to make gasoline from coal. The SS was assigned to guard
the Jewish and other inmates and select for killing those who were unfit
for I.G. Farben slave labor....
support from the Rockefellers, the Eugenics Society (England) set up a sub-committee
called the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which for 12 years
had no other address than the Eugenics Society. This, then, is the private,
international apparatus which has set the world up for a global holocaust,
under the UN flag."
The Dark Roots of EUGENICS
Arabs and Nazism: "Nazi
ceremonials continue to be used in today's Egypt. The President's
ceremonial troops wear Wehrmacht helmets and receive heads of government at
Cairo airport with a military parade which contains the famous goosestep. One
of the most surrealistic sights during the negotiations surrounding the peace
treaty with Egypt was the figure of [Israel's Prime Minister in the 1970s, Menachem]
Begin, survivor of the Holocaust, walking past the honor guard like someone
in a trance.
"Nostalgic admiration of Nazis has remained strong
in Syria. Sami al-Joundi, a founder of the Syrian Ba'ath movement, writes: 'We
were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature
and books that were the source of the Nazi spirit...We were the first who thought
of a translation of Mein Kampf....."
"Hitler's definition of Zionism in
Mein Kampf is endlessly quoted. 'They [Zionists] do not have any intention
to establish a Jewish state in Palestine in order to settle there. They only
fight for one place in which they [can base] a central organization for carrying
out their global plot, a city of refuge for criminals and a training center
for the scoundrels of the future.' This paragraph, cited in most anti-Zionist
writings in the Arab world, bestows the weight of supreme authority.
"Similarly, in answering the argument
of 'the Zionists' that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are
a fabrication, Mein Kampf is quoted as proof of their authenticity,
which settles the matter, given that Hitler's authority has assumed canonical
An Egyptian columnist wrote, "Thank you, Hitler, of blessed memory, who on behalf
of the Palestinians avenged in advance against the most vile criminals on Earth."[49]
(July 10)
Palestinian leader calls for Arab
invasion of Israel: "The
official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida on Tuesday
wrote that when Abbas met recently with media figures at the home of the Palestinian
ambassador to Jordan, he recounted that during an Arab League Summit in Libya
in March he told his fellow leaders that he still preferred war against Israel,
but could not do it alone."
(July 22)
Abandoning Israel:
"Israel, however, must assume that should the same people who have repeatedly
called for their physical annihilation gain the means to accomplish their
oft-stated goal, they will not hesitate to destroy the Jewish state.
Israel is certainly preparing for the worst. It is moving full speed ahead with
its Iron Dome missile defense system, continues to push for international diplomatic
action against Iran, strives as always to hold its military to the highest possible
standards of behavior and is continually reaching out to Washington."