Preparing for Victory ~ In My Father's House
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Today's News ~ April 14, 2017
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God's Word ~ Trusting God ~ Topical Scripture List ~ Names of God ~ Chronologies
Jesus comforts His disciples with these words:
"Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in
me." ...if I go and
prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that
were I am, there you may be also." John 14:1-3.
Easter Message
(Shortened): Jesus suffered the cruelest possible execution – and could have summoned legions of angels to rescue him. But he hung on the cross for our sake. “...he was pierced for our transgressions…” (Isaiah 53.5) That he conquered death is a fact of history. But if you too want a certain hope of the resurrection, you must believe in Him. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3.16) The Apostle Paul writes of Christians: “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” (1 Corinthians 15.19f) He fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 25.8 – that “he will swallow up death forever” – and of Hosea 13.14: “Where, O grave, is your destruction?”
Paul answered the rhetorical question with a resounding:
“Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”
(1 Corinthians 15.54-57)
~ ~ ~
MIT Press Publishes ‘Communism for Kids’ Book
Communism for Kids, written by a German author who specializes in political theory and “queer politics,” was released last month.
The thesis of the children’s book is that communism is “not that hard,”
but has not been implemented in the right way.... The book is full of cartoon drawings of “lovable little revolutionaries” that help
navigate kids through the “evils” of capitalism.
Truth and
Primed for Deception!
Rapid De-Swedenization of Sweden:
What was once a largely peaceful country of Nordic citizens has morphed into a multi-ethnic entity in which nearly a quarter of inhabitants were either born abroad or born in Sweden to two parents who were born abroad. ... While all those population groups have been growing over the last 15 years, the one group that is
shrinking is native-born Swedes....
From Freedom to
Vaccine Safety Issues: Is Washington Finally Taking Notice?
...many are turning their attention to current vaccination protocols as one of the
possible reasons for such high childhood cases of autism, allergies, autoimmune conditions, ADHD, and other chronic conditions. ... No one has the definitive answer yet, but the questions that are coming from concerned parents, doctors....
Freedom to Servitude
Geert Wilders and the Suicide of Europe:
None of Wilders's speeches incites violence against anyone; the violence that surrounds him is directed only at him.
He defends human rights and democratic principles and he is a
resolute enemy of all forms of anti-Semitism. His only «crime» is to denounce the danger represented by the Islamization of the Netherlands.
Whose "rights" will rule in a "democratized"
Signs of the Times.
German judges sanction Jew hatred:
November 10, 1938, 16-year-old Gertrude Rothschild was recruited by her rabbi to hurriedly enter the ruins of their synagogue in Konstanz am Bodensee to help gather up and bury the burned remains of their Torah scrolls, all that remained after the infamous night of violence, Kristallnacht.
The story remained etched in Gertrude’s memory.
Plots to exterminate Jews
Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors During Audit Of Obama HUD:
Ben Carson was the first neurosurgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins, so, he's kind of a super hero.
President Trump picked Carson to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development, whose budget grew by leaps and bounds under Barack Obama.
... Carson ordered an audit of the agency. ...$520 billion in bookkeeping
See (Obama's)
Signs of the Times.
Israel And Obama's Political War:
[Scroll down the page] There are several aspects of the story of Obama’s abuse of power, and the fact that
Israel and its US allies were key
targets of that abuse, that are important beyond the domestic discourse in the US.
First, the Obama administration’s abuse of foreign intelligence to wage
political warfare against pro-Israel activists and lawmakers who support
Israel during the Iran battle tells us that the Obama administration viewed supporters of a strong US-Israel alliance as its political
Liberal media turns on Obama (shocking!):
In the eyes of the liberal media, former President Barack Obama can do no wrong — until now. ... Because
the latest lie from the Obama administration is so indefensible, even the left-leaning media feels responsible to tell the truth to the American people. ... Following the recent chemical weapons attack that forced President Donald Trump to retaliate by firing missiles at Syria, it became clear that Assad had not voluntarily given up his chemical weapons.
Ban truth
- Reap Tyranny
Anti-Trump College President Fails to Condemn Prof's Call to Kill the President:
If an instructor at Fresno State had tweeted something truly controversial like #AllLivesMatter, Castro would have been on it. But when Professor Lars Maischak
called for murdering Trump and assorted Republicans, the response was generic.
... There is a call for the death of the President of the United States. And
the deaths of Republicans.
fall and rise of human violence
Pizzagate: A Special
Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophila Scandal:
...compared to the global Pedogate crime syndicate, Pizzagate is just one of many similar pedophilia rings that dot the globe.
... Pizzagate Represents only a single American Franchise within a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation
known as Pedogate.
...the ongoing Hollywood Pedogate is joined at the hip with the D.C. Pizzagate.
... Because it represents the child exploitation operation in the
nation’s capital... its outing has the capacity to expose the whole bloody
child abuse culture. War? Russia, Iran Warn U.S. They Will "Respond With Force" If Syria "Red Lines" Crossed Again: ...a joint command centre consisting of forces of Russian, Iran and allied militia alliance supporting Syrian President Bashar al Assad said that Friday’s US strike on the Syrian air base crossed “red lines” and it would “respond with force” to any new aggression while increasing their level of support to their ally. See The Emerging New World Order War? Kremlin tells U.S. it's 'one step from war' as Trump warns he will hit Syria AGAIN after his attack on Russia's ally Assad triggers fears of World War Three: In the first direct American raid on Bashar al Assad’s forces, US President authorised the firing of 59 cruise missiles at military airfield. Officials said it was retaliation for Assad’s use of chemical weapons. The Kremlin has warned the US it is ‘one step from war' over Syria... See Hope, Hate & Human Nature
Spiritual Warfare. San Francisco State Has Partnership with Palestinian TERRORIST University: The taxpayers of California... are financing a partnership between San Francisco State College and a terrorist university in Palestine. Your money is supporting the effort to kill Jews and Christians.... Our “partner" recently called for the killing of Jews. ... Democrats in Sacramento have been silent. ... Their silence is approval.” Faith. U.S. church not ready for what's coming: “Following Christ is not an easy road,” said McCandless. “It’s a blessed road, but it’s not an easy road.... In America, he said, “because we are blessed to worship with such freedom and to really walk with Christ, there’s no gateway at the beginning where you say, ‘I’m going to be persecuted if I follow Christ.'” “But in other parts of the know you’re going to face persecution right off the bat,” he said. See Trusting God as Freedom Fades History. Did You Know That The U.S. Entered World War I On April 6, 1917 And Trump Just Start World War III On April 6, 2017? Did World War III begin on April 6th, 2017? After Donald Trump fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Syria on Thursday night, millions of Americans were cheering, but the cheering isn’t going to last for long if a new world war erupts. What is amazing to me is that this happened on the 100th anniversary of the United States entry into World War I. The U.S. officially entered that war on April 6th, 1917, and now 100 years later to the day Donald Trump has essentially declared war on Syria. See The fall and rise of human violence Victory. Syrian Thanks Our President, Says Assad Has Murdered Thousands: This was one of the worst chemical bombings in Syria that caused a northern rebel-held area into a toxin zone last Tuesday, stirring worldwide outrage over Assad’s lack of accountability in his country’s six-year civil war. ... This Syrian citizen is thanking God and President Trump for finally listening to them. See Standing Firm! Signs of the Times. Russia Is the First Nation in the World to Recognize West Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital: Even Trump’s promise, if it had been fulfilled, of moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would constitute recognizing... only west Jerusalem, without including east Jerusalem, as Israel’s capital. The two-state solution for Israel and Jerusalem is not accepted by God and his Word, the Bible. See Jerusalem Signs of the Times. UNESCO Director: ‘Jerusalem is the Capital of King David’: UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova has rebuffed attempts by the UN cultural body to deny a historic Jewish connection to Jerusalem. “In the Torah, Jerusalem is the capital of King David, where Solomon built the Temple and placed the Ark of the Covenant,” Bokova said... See JerusalemSigns of the Times. Shocker: Russia recognizes ‘West Jerusalem’ as Israel’s capital.
Global. United Nations; Defends U.S. Actions in Syria: Addressing the United Nations in a blistering speech, Haley said that the United States "will not stand by" when chemical weapons are used on civilians, and that the country was fully justified in its actions. Haley condemned the use of chemical weapons and also said that the Iranian and Russian governments deserved some of the blame for the recent attack for propping up Assad's regime. (See videos) See The Emerging New World Order
Conspiracy. How Russia Is Turning Syria into a Major Naval Base for Nuclear Warships (and Israel Is Worried): The Soviet Union is gone, and so is Syria as a unified nation. But Russia is back, and it’s building up Tartus again as a naval base that can handle Russia’s largest nuclear-powered ships. ... Israel says the Tartus base is affecting its naval operations. U.S. and NATO operations could be next. See The Fall and Rise of Human Violence
Victory. Border Turns Quiet, Peaceful Under Trump Amid Steep Drop in Arrests: The first months of the new administration have seen a huge drop in the number of people being caught by agents on the U.S.-Mexico border, raising the possibility that a "Trump effect" is keeping migrants away. Fewer than 12,500 people were caught at the southern border in March, the lowest monthly figure in at least 17 years and the second straight month that border arrests dropped sharply. See Standing Firm! Revolution? European Union Tells Hungary and Poland To Accept Mass Migration Or Leave: France and Germany, along with a host of up to 21 other countries, are set to demand Hungary and Poland either accept migrants under the quota system or leave the European Union (EU). ...Public opinion in Hungary and Poland is also strongly against being forced to accept thousands of migrants from non-European cultures. See The fall and rise of human violence Globalism. Trump Defunds The Agency Responsible For Implementing The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The United Nations: All over the world, the United Nations Population Fund has been promoting abortion and sterilization as ways to slow down the rate at which the population of the planet is growing. ...The United Nations Population Fund is the tip of the spear when it comes to implementing the UN’s twisted population control agenda... See The Emerging New World Order
Islam. The Democratic Party may have found its next Barack Obama: ...Dr. Abdul el-Sayed... a 32-year-old medical doctor... recently launched his campaign for governor of Michigan, the election for which is in November 2018. If he wins he would be America’s first Muslim governor. He speaks articulately, without an accent, inserts humor into his speeches... and he has the full backing of America’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood-linked network of Islamic organizations.” See The Muslim BrotherhoodOccult. ‘Witches’ gather at Balboa Park to hex President Donald Trump: A gathering of so-called witches descended upon Balboa Park Saturday at "high noon" in an effort to impeach President Donald Trump by hex. They dressed up like witches with green face paint, raised brooms above their heads and danced around a cauldron. War? ISIS bomb-makers create laptop bombs to fool airport security checks: ISIS and Al-Qaeda bomb-makers have learned how to hide explosives in battery compartments while ensuring a laptop would function long enough to get it past screener. See The Fall and Rise of Human Violence Londonistan: 423 New Mosques; 500 Closed Churches: Muslims do not need to become the majority in the UK; they just need gradually to Islamize the most important cities.... One of the leading British judges...said that Christianity no longer influences the courts and these must be multicultural, which means more Islamic. See The Muslim Brotherhood & the Plots to Rule an Islamic World
29 Reasons Norway Is The Most Beautiful Scandinavian Country. I was born in Norway a month before Hitler's armies took over our country in 1940. During the five years of war my father was a leader in the "underground resistance." He was captured near the end of the war when a group of Nazis surrounded our apartment in Oslo during the night. I woke up (almost 5 years old), ran into our living room and asked the Nazi to show me his gun. He pulled it out, and I grabbed it and ran toward the stairway to the attic. Naturally, I was caught. My father was taken to Grini, a cruel Nazi concentration camp. During the war, Norwegians of all ages learned to fight for our freedom! But Norway was not a Christian nation. A few years later, my "godmother" - a wonderful missionary on a short furlough spent an evening with me to teach me about God, His Word and the comfort of His presence. What a blessing! I knew no other Christians -- until we moved to America a few years later. Thank You, Lord!!! Persecution. Prayers for the Persecuted church around the world, it is increasing and will come here: Christians in Nigeria are facing trial upon trial. Not only were hundreds of thousands forced to flee their homes due to terrorist group Boko Haram, but many have been denied sanctuary and aid in displacement camps. See God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1 Persecution. Interview shows public universities program students with anti-Christian bias: When asked if they would support a law which forces Muslims to participate in activities on a professional level that go against their faith, students universally said no; but when the same question was posed with Christians instead of Muslims, they were unwilling to extend Christians the same rights! See Preparing for Persecution Lawlessness. Hillary Clinton Covered Up Pedophilia in The State Department in 2013: According to the video, Clinton covered up pedophilia and prostitution by a State Department Ambassador. ... The Cover Up was conducted by Senior members of Clinton’s Staff Patrick Kennedy and Cheryl Mills who did everything they could to bury the issue. See Loving evil
Rage. Obama spying looks even worse than Trump claimed: Sources in the intelligence community claim the potentially illegal revealing of names, or unmasking, of people in the Trump camp who were under surveillance was done purely “for political purposes” to “hurt and embarrass (candidate) Trump and his team.” See LawlessnessOccult. Look What Just Happened To Man Who Exposed SICK D.C. Pedophile Ring -This Is BAD: The PizzaGate emails were so utterly horrifying and damning that the media rushed to deem them as fake news. is all true.... Dr. Phil uncovered the secretive and the highly organized world of elite pedophilia. A former child sex slave...was literally born into and grew up in, the world of elite sexual slavery. See The Nature and Tactics of Satan Persecution. Nigeria: Christians Denied Aid in Refugee Camps: Christians in Nigeria are facing trial upon trial. Not only were hundreds of thousands forced to flee their homes due to terrorist group Boko Haram, but many have been denied sanctuary and aid in displacement camps. ...several displacement camps have communicated that food and other aid “is not for Christians.” See Trusting God as Freedom Fades
Hope. VIDEO — Geert Wilders: Stand for Freedom! Dutch opposition leader Geert Wilders discusses the dangers of the Islamization of the West and the growing influence of Sharia law. He outlines his plans to defend the identity and civilization of the West from indoctrination. See "In joy or pain, our course is onward still" Family. Bill in West Virginia would BAN homeschooling, treating it as child abuse: If passed into law, Bill SB 528 would prohibit homeschooling and order CPS investigations for children who had ten or more absences without an acceptable excuse. ... The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is vehemently opposing this bill.... See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights Lawlessness. Hillary Clinton Covered Up Pedophilia in The State Department in 2013: According to the video, Clinton covered up pedophilia and prostitution by a State Department Ambassador. ... The Cover Up was conducted by Senior members of Clinton’s Staff Patrick Kennedy and Cheryl Mills who did everything they could to bury the issue. See Loving evil
History: The Man who Died Preaching on the Titanic (The testimony of a wonderful man of God, John Harper (1872-1912): God’s servants are everywhere.... As the renowned steam-liner Titanic hit a deadly iceberg on the Atlantic strait that fateful night, 14th April 1912, Harper cried out for women, children and the unconverted to quickly get onto the lifeboats. He even gave his own life jacket away knowing that such an act meant certain death alongside another 1,500 helpless passengers. George Henry Cavell, who was clinging to a board drifted near Harper. Harper, who was struggling in the water, cried, “Are you saved?” The answer returned, “No.” Harper shouted words from the Bible: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Important: Russian Ambassador Visited Obama at the White House 22 Times: ‘...a look at visitor logs of the White House during Barack Obama’s presidency reveals Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak visited Obama or his operatives at least 22 times.’ See The Power Elite behind the New World Order Evil. IRS Gives “After School Satan Club” Tax-Exempt Status in 10 Days: While the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) makes conservative groups wait years for tax-exempt status, an “After School Satan Club” launched to hinder Christian-based counterparts got its nonprofit ranking in just ten days.... The classification is offered to charitable, religious and educational organizations that operate as nonprofits.... In the meantime, leftist groups like the Satan club got fast tracked. See Evil Victory. The Light of The World - Standing Strong Through the Storm: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” - Matthew 5:14-15Occult. Transgender and Demon Possession (by Joseph Chambers): Our world is on a downward spiral. Demon activity is exploding. By the time Satan has finished his last ditch effort to be God, the world will be a wilderness. ... “So, he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.” (Revelation 17:3a)
Thirteen Heresies in THE SHACK (All
are lies) 1. God the Father was crucified with Jesus. 2. God is limited by His love and cannot practice justice. 3. On the Cross, God forgave all of humanity, whether they repent or not.... 7. God submits to human wishes and choices.
Victory. A healer for housing: [Pray for Ben Carson] We should all want Ben Carson to succeed. If he does, the fight against poverty can be won [by God's grace]. If he does not, then we continue down the same road. See Standing Firm!Revolution? As Protests Grow More Violent Against Trump, Ben Carson Issues a dire warning to America!
Occult. Ashton Kutcher exposes Pizzagate in Front of Congress and the Media Stays Silent: The pedogate volcano is about to explode and there's no doubt these people are guilty!!! [Gruesome realities, cruel child-sex traffic, the truly evil Clintons, pizzagate, the deceptive Podesta, and the global pedofile volcano]
Signs of the Times. Pompeo and circumstance: The Coming Battle Inside the CIA: Worth Reading! Faith! Jew and Sikh rally around Christian Marine who posted Bible verse: "...the Court of Appeals for the Armed Services affirmed the dismissal of former Marine Lance Cpl. Monifa Sterling, who posted the Bible verse “No weapons formed against me shall prosper” at her work station ... She was then court-martialed. See Trusting God as Freedom Fades Islam. Dearborn, Michigan 2016
Mind Control. Obama created ‘Ministry of Truth’ to counter ‘fake news’: ...buried deep in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act... was the Counter Disinformation and Anti-Propaganda Act, which will criminalize “fake news” on the Internet. ... "The Ministry of Truth" is set up. Welcome to 1984. |