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This is a very long page. You may not want to print it. Russia, China, Communism (2009-2011) More recent See also Was Marx a Satanist? | Animal Farm by George Orwell Global Management System | God Holds the Key (brainwashing) Bush, Gorbachev and Soviet Education | How to catch wild pigs |
"Communism will never succeed until the myth of [the Biblical] God is removed from the minds of men." V. I. Lenin
December 2011
The Foreign Policy Is Now Policy for the Interior: [In his book, 984, George Orwell wrote: "In accordance to the principles of Doublethink, it does not matter if the war is not real, or when it is, that victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous....The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects. And its object is not victory over Eurasia or Eastasia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.”
"It was a well-known truth under Communism that all foreign policy was for domestic consumption. The regimes in Eastern Europe talked loudly against the greedy capitalists and their constant 'threats' against the 'workers’ paradise.'... Every time the propaganda intensified, we knew it meant less liberty, more repressions, longer lines to buy groceries, etc. And of course, more people arrested on trumped up charges, just to keep the rest of us under fear. 'Foreign policy is interior policy, with different words,' a dissident author concluded. And was sent to jail without trial, as a 'traitor.'” See Demoralization
Portrait of New Leader Takes Shape: "The portrait of Kim Jong Eun that emerges in his U.S. profile is that of a young man who... is steeped in his father's cult of personality and may be even more mercurial and merciless, officials said. ...intelligence analysts believe, for instance, that Kim Jung Eun 'tortured small animals' when he was a youth. 'He has a violent streak and that's worrisome,' a senior U.S. official said....A further detriment to the younger Mr. Kim's outside reputation...were two North Korean assaults on South Korea last year... [apparently] instigated by Mr. Kim's son to prove his credentials. 'His temperament is not good.' ...'If anything, he may have to take a hard-line policy as a way of proving himself..." See Was Marx a Satanist?
Union Gangsters: Saul Alinsky: "As a Roosevelt-era apparatchik of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Alinsky defended union reliance on Communists to organize workers but also oversaw a touring beat-down crew targeting troublemaking Communists at the behest of the CIO....Flexibility to changing tactics, rather than rigid adherence to principle, was the Alinskyite hallmark of successful activism. ...his book Rules for Radicals is more popular than ever forty years after its publication."
Putin Rebuffed: "Elections under Vladimir Putin’s 'managed democracy' have become grimly predictable affairs. Rampant fraud and bans on all but fringe or manufactured opposition parties have ensured that Putin’s United Russia Party routinely triumphs in a landslide, with Putin then trumpeting the results as a vindication of his authoritarian regime. This weekend’s parliamentary elections largely followed this script but with a surprise ending: United Russia failed to capture even 50 percent of the vote, a major setback considering its blatant manipulation of the election and one that highlights the extent of the Russian public’s discontent with the country’s corrupt one-man, one-party rule."
November 2011
Inside China - Harmonious encroachment: "For the past several months, China’s largest naval hospital ship...also known as 'Peace Ark,' has taken part in a Beijing charm offensive throughout the Caribbean region, an area traditionally considered the United States’ strategic backyard. ...the ship is equipped with 300 beds, 20 intensive care units and eight surgical operating units. ...The current propaganda tour is dubbed Harmonious Mission by the Chinese military, and it is planned to provide free medical treatment for the local residents in Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Costa Rica. However, the charm offensive also signals the Chinese navy’s global ambition in a subtle way." See America's Perilous Partnership with China
September 2011
U.S. citizenship should not be for sale: "...the Chinese are now planning to use [Employment-Based visas] to build and run a casino...near the Baltimore airport. ...one of the largest in the country....If the Chinese follow the pattern they used in building the San-Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, low-paid Chinese workers will be imported to build and staff the casino....
"China is trying to build a 10,000- to 30,000-acre 'technology zone' south of the Boise airport with full landing rights to the Boise airport, including industry, retail centers and homes leased to the Chinese. This project will have a manufacturing and warehouse zone tied to the airport....Idaho residents are not happy about Communist China trying to colonize their state."
JFK’s Widow Blasted Times Over Cuba: "While most of the media have focused on the Jackie Kennedy tapes as they pertain to such figures as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Lyndon Baines Johnson, there are fascinating parts of the conversations that demonstrate the anti-communism of President John F. Kennedy. In this context, Jackie singles out The New York Times for criticism for helping bring Castro to power."
Communist Cuba and Our Congressional Black Caucus: "[The] Congressional Black Caucus
...founded by one time card carrying member of the Communist Party, U.S. Congressman John Conyers, Jr. of Michigan, has 42 members...30 of which are also members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. [It] is the official legislative arm of the Democratic Socialists of America [DSA], boasting 76 congressional members today....'The (DSA) is...the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International...."At a time in American history when truth is stranger than fiction, and not all conspiracies are just nutty theories, very real 'change' is taking place in plain view... America is being systematically stripped of its freedom and liberty...and the average American seems completely unaware and disengaged....
"The problem with ALL if these movements [Gay Rights, anti-war, Women’s Lib...] is the reality that they were ALL long ago hijacked and exploited by the Democratic Socialists of America, once operating under the respective Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA....
"It was the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus [and Obama] which together forced American lenders to make ill-advised loans to unqualified borrowers, which predictably became the 'toxic loans' packaged into 'toxic securities' by Fannie and Freddie, also operating at the command and control of these organization. These same groups...gained ultimate political power by refusing numerous attempts by the Bush administration to head off the impending financial calamity." See
George Orwell's 1984August 2011
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Warnings to the West: "...it would have seemed quite impossible, in America, that an individual be granted boundless freedom...simply for the satisfaction of his whims. ...a total emancipation occurred from the moral heritage of Christian centuries with the great reserve of mercy and sacrifice.'
"'One does see...boundless materialism; freedom from religion and religious responsibility (which under communist regimes attains the stage of antireligious dictatorship); concentration on social structures with an allegedly scientific approach. (This last is typical of both the Age of Enlightenment and of Marxism) It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man."
The New MLK Statue is a Fine Example of Chinese Communist Iconography: “Imagine my shock when I discovered that it was a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. for a national memorial in Washington DC. 'The 30ft-tall statue, which forms the centrepiece of a $120 million (£73 million), four-acre memorial to Dr King, opened to the public on Monday on the National Mall in Washington. It is the only memorial on the Mall that does not honour a president or fallen soldiers....
Lei, who has in the past carved two statues of Mao Tse-tung...carried out almost all of the work in Changsha....More than 150 granite blocks, weighing some 1,600 tons, were then shipped from Xiamen to the port of Baltimore, and reassembled by a team of 100 workmen, including ten Chinese stone masons brought over specifically for the project.....[Lei Yixin ]specialty is sculptures of Chairman Mao and iconography for the Chinese Communist Party....Defenders of the selection of Lei Yixin to make this ill-begotten communist version of Martin Luther King, Jr. claim that his detractors are racists."Putin gains traction for his Eurasian grand union: "Putin...is pursuing a different project - to build a 'quasi-European Union' out of former Soviet states. ...[Putin said:] 'For the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the first real step has been made towards restoring natural economic and trade ties in the post-Soviet space.'"
The [Communist] Agenda - Grinding America Down. In a list of 45 Communist Goals, no. #27 states: "Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with 'social' religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a 'religious crutch.'" This process is described in these two articles: Treason in the Church: Trading Truth for a "Social Gospel and Transforming the World by Subverting the Church.
Putin gains traction for his Eurasian grand union: "Putin...is pursuing a different project - to build a 'quasi-European Union' out of former Soviet states. ...[Putin said:] 'For the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the first real step has been made towards restoring natural economic and trade ties in the post-Soviet space.'"
Outgoing Obama ‘Car Czar’ Makes Yet Another Communist Reference: "Bloom spoke about a union’s role in bankruptcy and restructuring, saying he 'agreed' with Mao that 'political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.' ...'We know this is largely about power, that it’s an adults only no limit game.'”
July 2011
China Gives Details of Bloody Ethnic Clash [Islamic Xinjiang region]: "...[some say] the violence erupted when more than 100 Uighurs gathered to protest a recent police crackdown in the city. It said at least 20 Uighurs were killed—some beaten to death and some shot dead—and about 70 others were arrested after police opened fire on families demanding information about several young men detained over the last two weeks....
"It also coincided with a visit to Lhasa [Tibet]... by
Xi Jinping, China's vice president, to attend celebrations of the 60th anniversary of what China calls the 'peaceful liberation' of Tibet by Communist forces in 1951. Mr. Xi is expected to take over from Hu Jintao as China's Communist Party chief next year, and as president in 2013."Repeated
China's Party of Princelings: "A year ago I was asked my opinion on the anointment of Xi Jinping as vice president and leader of the 'party of princelings,' as the new generation of Chinese Communist Party leaders is derisively called...."The arrest of artist Ai Weiwei was ordered at the highest levels, and it suggests that a new dark era has begun.... The Chinese word that best describes the party of princelings is heng (brutal). Many top Communist Party officials...come from powerful, elite families with a great sense of entitlement and little regard for others....Wang Shuo's novel 'Wo Shi Liu Mang Wo Pa Shui' ("I Am A Hooligan, Who Can I Be Scared Of?") well describes their ruthless personalities. Once such people assume political control, their attitudes reek of heng.
"...the Communist Party has launched a nationwide crackdown on advocates of democracy and free speech, despite repeated protests from the international community. This signals the coming of dark times for anyone who opposes the party of princelings. When President Hu Jintao eventually steps down and Mr. Xi takes over, China's political environment could become even more rigid and hostile to internal and external criticism....
"The arrest of Ai Weiwei was...ordered at the highest levels of power, and it suggests a dark era in China's political climate has begun."
See Demoralization
U.S. military could be shut down by secret 'back door': "...the U.S. Department of Defense over recent months purchased 59,000 microchips to use in Navy equipment that control everything from missiles to transponders....But all of the chips turned out to be cheap knock-offs from China, and they ultimately were not installed....
"Besides being subject to failure, the chips also were designed with a 'back door' which would have allowed the chip, and the device it controlled, to be shut down remotely at any time.... Had the flaw not been detected, the chips could have shut down U.S. warships, aircraft, advanced weapons systems and encoded transponders that distinguish friendly aircraft from hostile attackers." See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Beijing's Theology of Repression: "China is cracking down on Christians who consider God, not the Communist Party, the head of the church....'China tolerates Christian church services, but only within the narrow boundaries of theology and church life dictated by the State Administration for Religious Affair....
"Estimates of the number of Christians in China vary widely, ranging from the TSPM's figure of about 20 million for its own churches to that of outside observers who say the total is as high as 130 million. The reason? Most Chinese Christians belong to unofficial house churches like Shouwang, which reject Communist Party-controlled TSPM theology....
"Recently, the wife of blind human rights activist Chen Guangcheng said that she and her husband were beaten and tortured for several hours by a gang of plainclothes thugs led by the village Communist Party secretary. Worryingly, some of the Shouwang church detainees found TSPM representatives taking part in the police interrogations, 'educating' and 'rebuking' the Shouwang Christians. Incredibly, TSPM Chairman Fu Xianyou denies that house churches even exist."
June 2011
Important Video: Chinese Spying at American Universities
Chinese company eyes Boise: "As economic power shifts to Asia, Idaho’s location makes it a prime site for an industrial foothold.... This ambitious, long-term proposal would start with a manufacturing and warehouse zone tied to the airport, and could signify a shift in the economic relationship between the two superpowers — a relationship once defined by U.S. companies like the J.R. Simplot Co., Hewlett-Packard...
"Sinomach is China’s third-largest contractor....It has been active in more than 130 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Russia and Eastern Europe...."
April 2011
Putin Wants to Boost Russia's Birthrate: "Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin pledged to raise the nation's birthrate by up to 30% in just three years. Due to a rapidly falling fertility, Russia has experienced a dramatic population decline, going from 148.5 million people in 1995 to 143 million today."
March 2011
ACLU v. Religious Liberty: "There is perhaps no greater example of ironic doublespeak than inclusion of the phrase 'civil liberties' within the inapt designation: 'American Civil Liberties Union.'... Consider the doublespeak inherent...[in its] flowery self-representation: 'The ACLU is our nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.'...
"A shared objective between both Communism generally, and the ACLU specifically is the suppression of religious liberty; principally, the free exercise of Christianity. Karl Marx...said: 'The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion .'" See Planned Economy or Planned Destruction?
Communist China Embraces the Gold Standard: "...many in the gold community theorize that China wants its yuan to become the world’s reserve currency, and is buying gold and silver in order to accomplish that goal. China’s gambit for global dominance, therefore, rests upon the notion that it must impose economic policies that will boost its power, prosperity, and economic strength. While staying true to the theoretical foundations and assumptions of the communist state...
"China realizes that in order for the communist state to be strengthened and prevail victorious, it must incorporate... economic concepts associated with capitalism. It is a sad day for the United States when China adopts economic policies more capitalistic than the United States."
February 2011
China wants to set up a rival to the Panama Canal In America's backyard: "China is working with Colombia to build a rival to the Panama Canal.... The new 'canal' would stretch from the Atlantic to Pacific Coast, and be a railroad, not a water route. It would cover 134 miles. ...it would certainly provide China with a massive investment opportunity in an emerging market that is suddenly all the rage. The FT speculates that part of the reason around the emergence of this 'canal' is to push the U.S. to secure its free trade agreement with Colombia faster."
China gains chokehold over U.S. defense: "An alarming new report says the United States is choosing to rely on China for the rare earth metals that are critical for the production of America's strategic defense weapons, giving the communist nation a chokehold on the ability of the U.S. to defend itself.... While the U.S. has the world's second-largest reserves of the substances, instead of facilitating production, it has left China to take over the market – it controls some 97 percent of the global sales of these elements..." See Deceptive alliances
WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets: "The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty....Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week....
"The documents also show that... ~America spied on Foreign Office ministers by gathering gossip on their private lives and professional relationships.... ~Tens of millions of pounds of overseas aid was stolen and spent on plasma televisions and luxury goods by corrupt regimes."
Constitution for New Socialist North America: "The Revolutionary Communist Party USA has announced a 'Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America,' and members say they are planning for a 'revolution' against capitalism, with violence if necessary. The 'present capitalist-imperialist system' should be replaced with a 'radically new economic system,' they say.
"The RCP, founded in 1975 with roots in the New Left of the 1960s and 1970s era, has active chapters in at least 15 population centers and publishes 'Revolution,' a biweekly newspaper and website. RCP leaders believe 'elections are not the arena where decisions are made about the future direction of the society' and do not participate."
January 2011
The Rope with which We Hang Ourselves: "Consider what happened last week in Chicago....Beginning with outgoing mayor Richard Daley, community leaders fell all over the Chinese as part of their multifaceted effort to transform Chicago... into the hub of Sino-American commercial activity of every sort....
"Chicago also seems willing to turn its school kids over to Beijing—and Beijing is only too happy to help cover these costs. It’s not the only place in America where this is happening, to be sure....
"The Chinese regime is advancing its own interests in the West... by, in effect, bribing school systems, educators, and students to see the world through Chinese eyes and, of course, to turn blind eyes and deaf ears toward anyone who might raise concerns about the innumerable threats that Beijing poses to America’s future...."
United States and China Launch Public-Private Partnership on Healthcare : "...on the occasion of the State Visit of President Hu Jintao to the United States, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) joined with China’s Ministries of Health (MoH) and Commerce (MOFCOM) to announce their support for the establishment a new public-private partnership in the healthcare sector.
Initially, twelve U.S. companies and six supporting organizations will participate in this partnership, alongside the supporting U.S. and Chinese Government agencies. The partnership will be organized around U.S. healthcare industry strengths and government capabilities in order to foster long-term cooperation with China in the areas of research, training, regulation and the adoption of an environment that will increase accessibility to healthcare services in China...
"Chinese participants will gain greater access to U.S. private sector expertise and ingenuity and better awareness of new technologies and results-oriented regulatory processes. Over time, the partnership will enhance cooperation in areas such as rural healthcare, emergency response, personnel training, medical information technology, and management systems; while also exploring ways to support other fields such as integrative and traditional Chinese medicine."
[U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, January 19, 2011] See Washington's Farewell Address (Read the last two paragraphs in his Farewell Address)China on Our Minds: "China’s economic might has grown, however, it has refused to open its markets to Western goods, has kept its currency artificially low (to make Chinese exports even stronger) and has shamelessly appropriated Western patents and other forms of intellectual property for its own domestic use while paying little or no compensation. Even while it has sought to join Western-oriented organizations such as the World Trade Organization and the Group of 20 leading nations, it has refused to play by the same rules."
Russia launches arms race with new intercontinental ballistic missile: "...the new missile would be capable of overcoming any nuclear missile shield that the Americans or indeed anyone else might build....
"Russia is developing the new missile despite recently negotiating a new landmark [START] Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with the United States.... The new missile will replace the ageing Soviet-era SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile whose terrifying nuclear payload prompted Nato to nickname it 'Satan'. Russia is estimated to have anything from fifty nine to eighty-eight SS-18 missile silo launchers spread across the country. They are capable of withstanding anything except a direct hit from a nuclear weapon." See Washington's Farewell Address
Vice Admiral: Obama was outmaneuvered by Russians on START: "President Barack Obama... should have abandoned the New START negotiations instead of seeking a political victory, says former nuclear plans monitor Vice Admiral Jerry Miller.... 'The Obama administration is continuing a dated policy in which we cannot even unilaterally reduce our own inventory of weapons and delivery systems without being on parity with the Russians.'... 'The treaty prohibits the conversion of an existing ballistic missile system into a missile defense system.”
US concerned over China's new weapons: "Speaking to reporters en route to Beijing for three days of talks, Gates said the Chinese appeared to have made more progress in building its first stealth fighter jet than previously thought and that an anti-ship missile posed a potential threat to the US military.... 'My own view is a positive constructive, comprehensive relationship between the United States and China is not just in the mutual interests of the two countries, it's in the interest of everybody..."
Unearthed Letters Link ACLU Founders to Communist Party: "...letters, including one written on ACLU stationary, dated on May 23, 1931 and signed by ACLU founder Roger Baldwin that requests help from then-American Communist Party Chairman William Z. Foster in coordinating travel arrangements for ACLU Chairman Harry Ward’s travels to the Soviet Union. The letter suggests Ward’s trip would revolve around a search for 'evidence from Soviet Russia' that would undermine America’s capitalist system....
"Foster was a 'key figure' in the early years of the American communist movement who also belonged to the ACLU’s National Committee in the 1920s....In 1932, he wrote a book titled 'Toward Soviet America'..." See Training students to rethink God's Word
December 2010
Communism Today: Dead or Alive? "Campuses across Western nations have been hotbeds of socialist ideology for decades, and today a plethora of student-led 'social justice' organizations boldly support leftist ideals. Some even raise awareness for what can rightly be considered Marxist-based national liberation movements. And online sites such as “Jesus Radicals” (www.jesusradicals.com), a hub for students inclined toward social anarchism, promotes the Marxist notion of communitarianism.
"Globally, a host of Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyite, and Maoist organization are now openly at work. And today, Communist literature is readily available and immediately accessible. So the West witnessed the 'death of Communism'? Hardly....
"As Communist defector Anatoliy Golitsyn said in The Perestroika Deception, 'The Cold War may be ‘over’ for the West. For the Soviets it has entered a new, active and promising phase.'" See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking?
Crackdown in Belarus: "On Sunday the 19th, a crowd estimated to be as large as 40,000 people attempted to storm the main government building in the city of Minsk, Belarus. The demonstration was engendered by the re-election of long-term president, Alexander Lukashenko.... The protesters contend that last Sunday’s election totals were the result of 'large-scale vote-rigging'.... Police there cracked down heavily, and hundreds of demonstrators, along with at least seven opposition election candidates, were being held."...the country which has been seen as a buffer zone between Russia and NATO allies has stationed itself firmly in the Russian camp. How firmly? It remains to be seen whether jailed opposition leaders will be freed, and whether or not a full and open investigation into last Sunday’s activities will be conducted. It certainly behooves the European Union and the United States to demand one, if human rights and fair elections remain high on the agenda of both entities."
Exposing Un-American Activities: "Since 1992, the International Communist Movement has sponsored the International Communist Seminar (ICS), organized every year in Brussels, Belgium, and which 'gathers parties and organizations which defend Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism....' About 150 organizations of Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia and Europe have participated in its sessions. Despite what you hear or see from the major media, international communism is not dead." See From Marx to Gramsci & Alinsky
Russia Admits Stalin Ordered 1940 Massacre of Poles: "Russia's parliament accepted Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's responsibility for the 1940 Katyn Forest massacre of 22,000 Polish prisoners—a declaration that Poland's leaders welcomed, cautiously, as a step toward justice for an atrocity that still poisons the two countries' relations.... After a two-hour debate heated by Communist objections, parliament acknowledged Friday that archives first unveiled in the early 1990s 'show that the Katyn crime was carried out on the direct orders of Stalin and other Soviet leaders.'
" Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and former President Boris Yeltsin had conceded Stalin's culpability....Polish leaders, however, want Russia to go further and to accept legal responsibility for Katyn and declare it an act of genocide. Poland's opposition demands a formal apology and compensation for families of the victims." See Chapter 11: Into the Land of the Godless
November 2010
Soros: Communist China Has ‘Better Functioning Government’ Than the U.S.: “'Today, China has not only a more vigorous economy, but actually a better functioning government than the United States,' he said....Mr. Soros said global governance is a pressing concern, but it is hard to implement. “Whereas globalization and deregulation spread like a virus, regulation is extremely difficult to achieve on an international scale.” See Was Marx a Satanist?
Video: Soros Explains The Anti-Capitalist, Pro-Marxist Tactics He Uses to Fundamentally Transform Countries: "There is a deep seated conflict between capitalism and Open Society. Karl Marx proposition "from everybody according to their ability, and to everybody according to their needs" was a very attractive idea, but the Communist rulers put their own interest ahead of the interests of the people."
December 2010
Communism Today: Dead or Alive? "Campuses across Western nations have been hotbeds of socialist ideology for decades, and today a plethora of student-led 'social justice' organizations boldly support leftist ideals. Some even raise awareness for what can rightly be considered Marxist-based national liberation movements. And online sites such as “Jesus Radicals” (www.jesusradicals.com), a hub for students inclined toward social anarchism, promotes the Marxist notion of communitarianism.
"Globally, a host of Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyite, and Maoist organization are now openly at work. And today, Communist literature is readily available and immediately accessible. So the West witnessed the 'death of Communism'? Hardly....
"As Communist defector Anatoliy Golitsyn said in The Perestroika Deception, 'The Cold War may be ‘over’ for the West. For the Soviets it has entered a new, active and promising phase.'" See Mandatory Training in Orwellian Thinking?
Crackdown in Belarus: "On Sunday the 19th, a crowd estimated to be as large as 40,000 people attempted to storm the main government building in the city of Minsk, Belarus. The demonstration was engendered by the re-election of long-term president, Alexander Lukashenko.... The protesters contend that last Sunday’s election totals were the result of 'large-scale vote-rigging'.... Police there cracked down heavily, and hundreds of demonstrators, along with at least seven opposition election candidates, were being held."...the country which has been seen as a buffer zone between Russia and NATO allies has stationed itself firmly in the Russian camp. How firmly? It remains to be seen whether jailed opposition leaders will be freed, and whether or not a full and open investigation into last Sunday’s activities will be conducted. It certainly behooves the European Union and the United States to demand one, if human rights and fair elections remain high on the agenda of both entities."
Exposing Un-American Activities: "Since 1992, the International Communist Movement has sponsored the International Communist Seminar (ICS), organized every year in Brussels, Belgium, and which 'gathers parties and organizations which defend Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism....' About 150 organizations of Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia and Europe have participated in its sessions. Despite what you hear or see from the major media, international communism is not dead." See From Marx to Gramsci & Alinsky
Russia Admits Stalin Ordered 1940 Massacre of Poles: "Russia's parliament accepted Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's responsibility for the 1940 Katyn Forest massacre of 22,000 Polish prisoners—a declaration that Poland's leaders welcomed, cautiously, as a step toward justice for an atrocity that still poisons the two countries' relations.... After a two-hour debate heated by Communist objections, parliament acknowledged Friday that archives first unveiled in the early 1990s 'show that the Katyn crime was carried out on the direct orders of Stalin and other Soviet leaders.'
" Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and former President Boris Yeltsin had conceded Stalin's culpability....Polish leaders, however, want Russia to go further and to accept legal responsibility for Katyn and declare it an act of genocide. Poland's opposition demands a formal apology and compensation for families of the victims." See Chapter 11: Into the Land of the Godless
November 2010
Soros: Communist China Has ‘Better Functioning Government’ Than the U.S.: “'Today, China has not only a more vigorous economy, but actually a better functioning government than the United States,' he said....Mr. Soros said global governance is a pressing concern, but it is hard to implement. “Whereas globalization and deregulation spread like a virus, regulation is extremely difficult to achieve on an international scale.” See Was Marx a Satanist?
Video: Soros Explains The Anti-Capitalist, Pro-Marxist Tactics He Uses to Fundamentally Transform Countries: "There is a deep seated conflict between capitalism and Open Society. Karl Marx proposition "from everybody according to their ability, and to everybody according to their needs" was a very attractive idea, but the Communist rulers put their own interest ahead of the interests of the people."
October 2010
Obama adviser distributed Al Jazeera 'propaganda': "Lawrence Lessig also works closely with a Marxist activist who has argued for the dismantling of the U.S. capitalist system and whose George Soros-funded group petitions for more government control of the media. Lessig has been mentioned as a future candidate to head the Federal Communications Commission, the FCC.... He reportedly has known Obama since their days teaching law at the University of Chicago. Lessig now teaches at Harvard....
"Lessig... drew some controversy during the 2008 campaign after he circulated a video depicting Jesus lip-syncing.... In the video, a mock Jesus...finally gets run over by a speeding bus....
"Lessig is a close associate of Robert W. McChesney, an avowed Marxist who favors the dismantling of capitalism. McChesney founded Free Press, a Soros-funded organization with close ties to the White House.... McChesney is a professor at the University of Illinois and former editor of the Marxist journal Monthly Review.....
"'In the end, there is no real answer but to remove brick-by-brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles,' wrote McChesney....The board of Free Press, meanwhile, has included a slew of radicals, such as Obama's former 'green jobs' czar Van Jones, who resigned after his founding of a communist organization was exposed."
Was Marx a Satanist?Communist-Islamic alliance. A Nuclear Chavez: "The latest stop on his ten-day tour of Europe and the Middle East is Iran, where [Chavez] was received warmly by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, who welcomed his 'progressive and fraternal' ally against 'the bullying powers.' ...Venezuela has now joined Iran in seeking nuclear power for 'peaceful' purposes. And they have some high-powered help lined up to get the job done: Russia has pledged its support for the construction of Venezuelan nuclear reactors....This is, of course, the same sort of justification that has allowed Iran to press on towards a nuclear program even while threatening Israel with destruction. Chavez has clearly studied Ahmadinejad’s playbook, and knows full well that no one will stop him..." Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Dark Predictions of a KGB Defector: "Clearly communism did not just 'die' in 1991 as everyone was led (told) to believe. Golitsyn’s works are the key to understanding how the ancient principles of Sun Tzu (warfare based on deception) can be practically applied as a comprehensive national strategy.....
In 1959 Nikita Khrushchev boasted...'You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.'"As Jeff Nyquist points out, 'It is noteworthy that Khrushchev did not say, 'You will live under communism.' ... He told his American opposites that their grandchildren would live under communism.”
See Media-made "Foes" and Deceptive "Friends"Russian politicos considering NATO link: "Moscow's political elite are considering linking up politically and 'institutionally' with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as Western countries look to build a 'strategic partnership' with Russia.... Rasmussen also has stated there no longer is any need for mutual nuclear deterrence, 'since we are partners."' See Deceptive alliances
Russian company seeks control of Canadian uranium-mining firm operating in Rockies: "Russia's government is trying to enter the U.S. nuclear industry, poised to spend $1.5 billion to acquire a controlling share of Uranium One, a Canadian company operating in the Rocky Mountain region....
'"It doesn't matter whether it is uranium or steel or oil or gas,' Kislyak said. "What is important is that the positive ties between our two countries seem to be getting more and more expanded."'
Communism. China buying Oil Rights in Texas: "China's foreign-exchange reserves have increased to a record $2.648 trillion at a time when the nation is going on an international buying spree, grabbing up energy rights even within the continental U.S.... 'China has the dollars needed to buy U.S. assets in record amounts.'" See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
The Fallacy of Social Justice: "For generations there has been an activist side to the idea of wealth redistribution. This popular front, with a web of splinter groups, organizations and fellow travelers, used 'social justice' as the rallying cry for cultural transformation.... These social justice flag wavers have been the most vocal preachers of Collectivism; the followers of Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and dozens of other socialist and communist leaders....
"This concept of social justice, the raising of an 'oppressed' class through the degradation of another class, is a reactionary process based on the arousing of envy. At this base level Communism is directly linked to the French Revolution – an event that had sparked worldwide revolutionary fervor, and one whose shots are still echoing today." See From Marx to Alinsky
Communism 'taking over' stage in L.A.: "Communism has taken over theaters in Los Angeles – the largest Spanish-speaking city in the U.S. – boasted the official publication of the Community Party USA....The review, published in People's World Weekly, the newspaper of the Communist Party USA, hailed the Spanish-language opera and the number of Latinos present in the audience....
"...a recent adviser to Obama whose union group is among the most frequent visitors to the White House, Eliseo Medina, declared granting citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants would expand the 'progressive' electorate and help ensure a 'progressive' governing coalition for the long term....
SEIU is closely linked to the controversial community organizing group ACORN. Former SEIU President Andrew Stern was the most frequently logged White House visitor.... [In 2004] Medina became a Democratic Socialists honorary chairman." See Real Conspiracies
August 2010
China Rising: "China has a small but growing force of mobile ICBMs capable of hitting targets in most of the United States. Under the umbrella of this deterrent force, China is deploying a large number of short and medium range missiles that could devastate its neighbors with a mix of nuclear and conventional warheads." George Orwell's 1984
July 2010
Briefing on [Hillary] Clinton’s Trip to Central Europe: "ASSISTANT SECRETARY POSNER: '...Just a few words about the meeting of the Community of Democracies.... It’s a meeting of approximately 75 governments, representatives of civil society, and really very much in keeping with the President and Secretary Clinton’s commitment to democracy promotion.... The Secretary’s speech....will explore both the ways in which civil society is key to a broad notion of democracy, but also focus on a range of challenges that human rights and other advocacy groups face around the world.'
"ASSISTANT SECRETARY GORDON: '...when President Obama announced the new approach to Russia 18 months ago, he made clear that we had common interests with Russia that we wanted to pursue ...We feel we have made significant progress in the 18 months that we have been pursuing this different relationship with Russia." See Chronology of the UN
June 2010
Communism & Obama. Barack Obama’s Surrogate Father: "Obama’s father abandoned the family and his mother.... His grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, had selected [Frank Marshall] Davis to be a mentor to a young Obama before he went off to college. Davis, described only as “Frank” in Obama’s memoir, Dreams from My Father, was a major influence over Obama for eight years of his life. He operated as a journalist, first in Chicago... and then Hawaii, where he wrote for a Communist Party-sponsored newspaper financed by a communist-controlled labor union....
Davis...[was] a card-carrying Communist, a pornographer, a pernicious influence... (he drank and smoked dope with Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, whose FBI file has turned up missing)....Obama would go on to college, where, by his own admission, he would associate with Marxist professors and attend socialist conferences. Later came his relationships with communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn...."Davis hoped that America and its economy were at a turning point.... They would need to trash the current free-enterprise system and argue for a change to something else....The key was to gain the support of the people who didn’t know any difference.”
Frank Marshall Davis: "Frank Marshall Davis (1905-1987) was a journalist, poet and Communist Party USA activist in Chicago and Hawaii. In Hawaii he was a mentor to a young Barack Obama....The FBI first began tracking Davis in 1944 when they identified him as member of the Communist Party's Dorie Miller Club in Chicago.... Davis was also vice chairman of the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee....The Abraham Lincoln School for Social Sciences was a Chicago institution of the 1930s and 1940s, run by the Communist Party USA. Faculty members were ...Frank Marshall Davis....
"Before going underground in 1950, the Hawaiian Communist Party was one of the most dynamic in the U.S. at the time.... It was shown that Davis, under the pseudonym Bob Greene had authored a hard-core pornographic autobiography published in San Diego in 1968....One chapter in the book concerns the seduction by Davis and his first wife of a 13-year-old girl....
"Davis knew Barack Obama from as early as 9 or 10, until he left Hawaii for Occidental College in 1978 at the age of 18....Davis told Obama that black people 'have a reason to hate [white people].... He also advised the college-bound Obama to 'keep your eyes open'.... Obama explained how he carried out Davis's advice. '...I chose my friends carefully."
See next link:Video: Larry Grathwohl interview about William Ayers (Weather Underground),Obama's Mentor: Larry Grathwohl was an FBI agent assigned to investigate the Weather Underground and its founder, William Ayers. Remember, Obama launched his political career in the Ayers' living room.
May 2010
China's High Seas Aggression: "China’s aggressive actions on the high seas, its rapidly expanding navy and its new global strategy suggest Beijing’s motivations are as much about geopolitical power as economics.... There is a rising tide of Chinese nationalism aimed at Japan and the U.S.... A larger navy feeds Chinese national pride at its rivals’ expense.'”
Chinese attacker kills 7 children, 2 adults with meat cleaver: "In the deadliest of the rampages that have terrorized China's schools, a middle-aged man on Wednesday hacked to death seven children and two adults with a meat cleaver at a preschool in Shaanxi province before going home and killing himself.... The killings deepened the despair in China over the seemingly unstoppable string of attacks on schools. Since March 23, when an unemployed doctor stabbed to death eight children in Nanping, Fujian province, children in small towns around the country have been stabbed, hacked and bludgeoned, with each new incident apparently inspiring others. 'The atmosphere is very bad these days. People are really terrified.'" See "Yuri Bezmenov on demoralization" The results of communism are dehumanizing as well as demoralizing.
The Communist Experience in America: "I arrived in Moscow just a few months after Boris Yeltsin’s foiling of the coup.... Individual communists were often motivated by the highest ideals and yet they helped to create and perpetuate many of the worst horrors in human history.... If your ideals are so wonderful and the only thing standing in the way of realizing them are ignorant and reactionary people, well, they just have to be eliminated –or even sacrificed for the greater good. If you have persuaded yourself that you know how to end poverty or eliminate racism, why let a bunch of flawed human beings stand in the way?...
"As the Cold War heated up, the CPUSA’s unyielding defense of the interests of the Soviet Union made it a pariah in American society and revelations abut espionage helped to destroy it. In the mid-1950s most of its remaining loyalists had enough when Khrushchev admitted Stalin’s crimes, the USSR crushed the Hungarian Revolution and revelations of anti-Semitism stunned many of the Party’s Jewish members."
Russia and America: Turning the World Upside Down: “'Like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed,' the [Russian] columnist wrote."
April 2010
China putting U.S. carriers in bull's-eye? "China is at the test stage of a new type of ballistic missile designed to target aircraft carriers.... Since the U.S. is the only naval force with aircraft carriers in the region, Beijing's intentions leave little to the imagination."
Marxist is as Marxist does: "People who believe that health care is a right instead of a privilege embrace a fundamental principle of Marxism. This philosophy is built on the idea that workers are the source of productivity and must not be exploited by kings or capitalists.... This belief system, articulated eloquently by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in their Communist Manifesto, envisions the perfect society to be one in which everyone shares equally in work and wealth, coordinated by a hierarchy of representatives chosen from the workers. The Democratic Party considers its leaders to be that hierarchy, empowered to do whatever it takes to redistribute society's wealth more equitably."
March 2010
Playing Russian Roulette with American Security: "...the White House announced it would sign a new nuclear arms control treaty with Moscow. ....There are likely to be at least three major problems with the treaty... 1) The Russians cheat and the White House will do nothing to stop them. Moscow has a long and well documented history of violating arms control agreements....
2) America's nuclear arsenal is aging, fast, and struggling to maintain its reliability and effectiveness. The U.S. is not producing new nuclear weapons, and its ICBM force is shrinking.... In contrast, Russia and China are engaged in a major modernization effort...."3) The Russians are going to do everything in their power to limit U.S. missile defenses. Early reports suggest that Obama will give them what they want."
Liberals rap Kremlin as Stalin is worshipped: "Russian communists paid homage on Friday to Soviet leader Josef Stalin, while liberals accused the Kremlin of conniving to whitewash the dictator. Communist Party chiefs led a procession of largely elderly people across Red Square on the 57th anniversary of Stalin's death, laying flowers at his grave.... 'Today...the greatness of Stalin's era is self-evident even to his most furious haters,' Russian Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov said after laying flowers at Stalin's grave....
Critics call Stalin a murderer for the millions of deaths in his forced collectivization and Gulag prison camps.... After his death in 1953, the Kremlin launched a campaign to discredit Stalin.... But Stalin's backers have become bolder in recent years, and praise of the iron-fisted leader more prominent."
February 2010
Education to make students 'revolutionaries': "Van Jones, President Obama's former 'green jobs' czar and a newly appointed Princeton lecturer, has a history of sparking protests against universities and previously slammed non-activist students as 'worthless people'.... Jones in the 1990s was the leader and founder of a radical group, the communist revolutionary organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM. The group's official manifesto, entitled 'Reclaiming Revolution,'" boasted 'we also saw our brand of Marxism as, in some ways, a reclamation.' STORM was...disbanded in 2003.
"'We agreed with Lenin's analysis of the state and the party,' read STORM's manifesto. 'And we found inspiration in the revolutionary strategies developed by Third World revolutionaries like Mao Zedong and Amilcar Cabral.'...
"In a 2005 Uprising Radio interview, Jones talked about using 'green' jobs to bring down the capitalist system."
Officer boasts of 12,000 spies: "BEIJING: A police chief has boasted of recruiting one in every 33 local residents as an informant.... The director of an Inner Mongolian public security bureau said officers had recruited 12,093 of his county's 400,000 inhabitants to provide intelligence, offering an unusual glimpse into the state's surveillance network. Liu Xingchen told the state news agency Xinhua the priorities were to collect information about conflicts... and to discover 'non-harmonious elements'." See One World - One Dream" - But what about Truth and Freedom?
Battling the Information Barbarians: "Thought control, in terms of imposing an official orthodoxy, is a very old tradition. The official glue that has long been applied to hold Chinese society together is a kind of state dogma....
"Once China opened up to the world for business again in the late 1970s, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, the old problem of information control emerged once again. Deng and his technocrats wanted to have the benefit of modern economic and technological ideas, but, like the 19th century mandarins, they wished to ban thoughts which Deng called 'spiritual pollution.' ...Deng's attempt, which was only partly successful, was made far more difficult by the invention of the Internet....
"China, with its army of cyberspace policemen, has been remarkably effective at Internet control, by mixing intimidation with propaganda. The intimidation encourages self-censorship, and nationalist propaganda creates suspicion of foreign criticism. It is not hard to find well-educated Chinese who buy the linmation imperialism."' See When Iron Gates Yield
January 2010
China helped Pakistan nuke program: "China covertly helped Pakistan in developing its nuclear weapons program and continues that support even now while that assistance has become the basis for Pakistan's help with Iran's nuclear development effort.... 'In 1983, U.S. intelligence agencies reported that China had transferred to Pakistan a complete nuclear weapon design....'
Khan had developed an international nuclear espionage network to smuggle nuclear components into Pakistan and in turn assisted such countries as North Korea and Iran in creating their own nuclear weapons program. Zardari recently released Khan from house arrest, much to the consternation of the U.S. Yet, there is no evidence that his international network has been dismantled.... Khan himself remains under the protection of Pakistan's intelligence service."
November 2009
US, China to step up military, space cooperation: "China and the United States pledged Tuesday to step up military exchanges and safeguard the peaceful use of outer space after talks between Chinese President Hu Jintao and ... Obama. The two countries vowed to take 'concrete steps to advance sustained and reliable military-to-military relations in the future,' according to a joint statement.... The statement added both sides were preparing for an exchange of visits between top defence officials.... Both sides will implement military exchange and cooperation programmes that will increase the 'level and frequency of exchanges.'" Deceptive Alliances
Rampant Chinese Spying: "A U.S. congressional advisory panel said Thursday that Chinese spies are aggressively stealing American secrets to use in building Beijing's military and economic strength. The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission also said in its annual report to lawmakers that Beijing is building a navy that could block the U.S. military from getting to the region if fighting should break out between China and Taiwan, the self-governing island off China's southeastern coast that China claims as its own. The report follows President Barack Obama's visit this week to China, where he had extensive talks with President Hu Jintao." See the next link -- posted yesterday:Repeated. China and Communism. US, China to step up military, space cooperation: "China and the United States pledged Tuesday to step up military exchanges and safeguard the peaceful use of outer space after talks between Chinese President Hu Jintao and ... Obama. The two countries vowed to take 'concrete steps to advance sustained and reliable military-to-military relations in the future,' according to a joint statement.... The statement added both sides were preparing for an exchange of visits between top defence officials.... Both sides will implement military exchange and cooperation programmes that will increase the 'level and frequency of exchanges.'"
China hails U.S. reiteration of sovereignty over Taiwan: "Chinese President Hu Jintao hailed U.S. President Barack Obama's recognition of sovereignty issues dear to China, after a bilateral meeting in Beijing on Tuesday." See When Iron Gates Yield
Obama, Hu vow to continue to strengthen partnership: "President Obama and his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, emerged from two hours of talks Tuesday morning pledging to continue efforts to strengthen the growing partnership between the two countries, and to work together to address global challenges such as climate change, nuclear proliferation and sustaining the world's nascent economic recovery.
Communism's Enablers and Excusers: "Soviet communism might not have endured for 70 years had it not been for enablers in academia, religion and journalism.... When the wall fell, leftists could not bring themselves to admit they had been wrong, much less apologize for their misplaced faith. So they... made excuses.... Strobe Talbott, then of Time magazine and soon to be an influential member of the Clinton administration, wrote on Jan. 1, 1990, '(Soviet leader) Gorbachev is helping the West by showing that the Soviet threat isn't what it used to be, and what's more, that it never was.' How is it possible to simultaneously have been a threat, but not a threat? The millions who died in gulags, starved to death or were assassinated might have a different interpretation of Russian history under communism."
See Into the Land of the GodlessDeja vu! Russians arming Cuba's military Plans include sensitive electronic eavesdropping station 90 miles from U.S.: "Russia is offering to modernize Cuba's deteriorating weapons systems – installed when the former Soviet Union was expanding worldwide – and it also wants to reactivate a sensitive electronic eavesdropping station on the nearby island at Lourdes, use Cuba as a base to refuel its bombers and a port to replenish supplies on its warships." See "Yuri Bezmenov on demoralization"
How Putin is Separating America from Europe: "My guest ... is Vladimir Bukovsky, a former leading Soviet dissident who spent twelve years in Soviet prisons, labor camps and psychiatric hospitals for his fight for freedom.... [Last April] you said the following: 'As it stands now and if there is no drastic rethinking and reformulating, [there will be] a chain of endless concessions by America.' And just recently we have witnessed such a concession. America has refused to deploy missiles to Eastern Europe and it received nothing in exchange. How would you comment on this development?...
"It was surely done... in exchange for Russia’s support of American sanctions against Iran. But as soon as the Americans agreed, the Russians said that sanctions against Iran are too hard. And they have only increased their requirements. The plan of deploying missiles to Eastern Europe cannot be brought back anymore. The West is driving itself into a corner.... Russia is pushing America away from Europe.... Task 'number 2' is making Germany their leading ally in Europe. They have been doing it since Lenin’s times...and Hitler’s times....
"The Americans do not understand who they are dealing with when it comes to Russia. They are dealing with the KGB and for KGB people you are either an enemy or their agent.....the Western people are always trying to find some compromise.... But for the KGB it is not natural at all. They understand it as weakness and a retreat and it only facilitates their requirements....
"This kind of politics can lead to war, because appeasement only encourages and emboldens totalitarian regimes. The West will have to reply with military means sooner or later.... [Since Obama seeks disarmament -- and seems to favor Communist leaders around the world -- there may not be any military defense against Russia]
"It is a pity that America does not want to criticize Russia for violation of human rights. ... Anti-democratic regimes are inclined to aggression.... The time will come, and America will understand the real content of Russian policy."
October 2009
China/US Partnership. [Video] Obama Admin Allows Communist Flag Raising Over Washington, DC: Obama: "We can be certain about the issues that will define our times. And we also know this, the relationship between United States and China will shape the 21st century, which makes it as important as any bilateral relationship in the world. That really must underpin our partnership. That is the responsibility that together we bear."
China using stimulus to buy private rivals: "The Chinese government has been using its massive stimulus of the economy in part to reverse years of privatization and allow large state-owned enterprises to grab back assets in major industries. ...the consolidation drive is clearly troubling for private operators across many sectors in China."
Russia's Putin warns against intimidating Iran: "Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned major powers on Wednesday against intimidating Iran and said talk of sanctions against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear programme was 'premature'.... 'There is no need to frighten the Iranians,' Putin told reporters in Beijing after a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. 'We need to look for a compromise.'" Real Conspiracies: Past and Present
Tentative Inspection Program Would Allow Russia to Visit U.S. Nuclear Sites: "Russia and the United States have tentatively agreed to a weapons inspection program that would allow Russians to visit nuclear sites in America to count missiles and warheads. The plan.... would constitute the most intrusive weapons inspection program the U.S. has ever accepted." Yuri Bezmenov on demoralization
Obama loosens missile technology controls to China: "President Obama recently shifted authority for approving sales to China of missile and space technology from the White House to the Commerce Department -- a move critics say will loosen export controls and potentially benefit Chinese missile development.... The presidential notice alters a key provision of the 1999 Defense Authorization Act that required that the president notify Congress whether a transfer of missile and space technology to China would harm the U.S. space-launch industry or help China's missile programs." The Communist - Capitalist AllianceU.S. troop funds diverted to pet projects: "Senators diverted $2.6 billion in funds in a defense spending bill to pet projects largely at the expense of accounts that pay for fuel, ammunition and training for U.S. troops, including those fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.... Among the 778 such projects, known as earmarks, packed into the bill: $25 million for a new World War II museum at the University of New Orleans and $20 million to launch an educational institute named after the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy." [So many strange things are happening -- fast. Could this part of the plan for disarmament?] See The State of the World according to Gorbachev
Marching to world domination: Why the West should be worried about China: "China today celebrated its wealth and rising might with a show of goose-stepping troops, gaudy floats and nuclear-capable missiles in Beijing, 60 years after Mao Zedong proclaimed its embrace of communism.... But beneath today's orgy of celebrations that marks the anniversary lurks a disturbing reality. Mao's successors may have embraced cut-throat capitalism to a degree that makes even Western economists blanch. But the arrangements for the parade are a reminder that China remains a deeply authoritarian society.... And thanks to its low labour costs, it has become the world's third-largest trading power....
"Once a peasant society, it has the largest number of mobile phone users in the world and the largest number of broadband consumers. It has some of the world's biggest and fastest-growing cities.... And almost unnoticed, it has become the world's biggest acquirer of foreign public debt. With some $800 billion of U.S Treasury securities, China now has a hold over the American economy that would have seemed unthinkable a few decades ago....
"Sixty years ago, Xinjiang was home to the Turkic Uyghur people, most of them Muslim peasants, craftsmen and silk weavers. But since the Communist Revolution, millions of Han Chinese settlers have poured into the region, responding to government economic incentives. As a result, traditional Uyghur shops, mosques and bazaars have been torn down and replaced with bland Han-owned malls and offices....
"...more than 750,000 Chinese have settled in Africa, and the red flag now flutters over jungles and prairies alike.... Vast Chinese-owned mines pay African labourers less than £1 a day to scratch out copper for the gigantic smoke-belching cities of East Asia. And deep in the heart of Africa, acres of forest are ripped down every day as timber for China's industrial revolution. ...in return, the Chinese are selling African leaders the assault rifles, warplanes and mortars they need for their bloody wars of conquest and ethnic cleansing.... Only last year, Zimbabwe's despotic Robert Mugabe received a cool £200m in Chinese military aid. And even the brutal slaughter in southern Sudan... was carried out with £55m-worth of Chinese weapons, sold to the Sudanese in defiance of a UN arms embargo....
"...China itself is well on the way to becoming one of the world's dominant military powers. Already, its standing army alone has more than 2.25 million men.... With its new J-10 fighter jets, naval destroyers and Cruise missiles, the Chinese army... was a match for any in the Western world."
September 2009
Bill Ayers Is Back: "He's just a guy who lives in the neighborhood." That was the lie Barack Obama told about his relationship with unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers during the presidential campaign....
"Ayers, Dohrn and the Weather Underground did that through armed bank robberies, through bombings of the U.S. Capitol and dozens of other targets, through the murder of a San Francisco policeman and through the open advocacy of a reign of terror that went on for more than a decade.... He got away with murder....
"Obama accepted cash political contributions from Ayers and Dohrn... as a 'community organizer' ready to launch his campaign for the Illinois Legislature in 2001. Obama launched his first bid for political office in the living room of their home in 1995. Michelle Obama invited Ayers to speak to a conference she organized in 1997 Barack Obama endorsed Ayers' book in 1997 – a book that references Ayers' neighbor, Obama." Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Ayers wrote Obama's book: "To flesh out his family history, Obama had taped interviews with various family members. Andersen writes, 'These oral histories, along with a partial manuscript and a truckload of notes, were given to Ayers.' ... 'Everyone knew they were friends and that they worked on various projects together. It was no secret.' ... 'In the end, Ayers' contribution to Barack's 'Dreams From My Father' would be significant – so much so that the book's language, oddly specific references, literary devices and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers's own writing." See Don't Be Deceived!
Russia to modernize and train Cuban military: "The chief of the Russian military's General Staff, visiting Cuba, says his country will help Havana modernize and train its military and that Moscow warships will visit Cuba soon.... The visit by Gen. Nikolai Y. Makarov as well as the head of Russian military intelligence and other high-ranking officers has sparked broad speculation...." See Yuri Bezmenov on demoralization
Obama Scrapping Missile Shield for Czech, Poland: "...may ease tensions with Moscow but spur regional fears of resurgent Kremlin influence..."
Her Story - Her Advice To Us: "Elena Chitta was born in Poland in 1939 at the beginning of WWII. She later survived 30 years in Communist Romania under the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. She spoke at the Marble Falls Tea Party of the dangers of communism. Listen to her story and warnings and please forward this link on." [This is an important warning, though not totally in line with Biblical Christianity] See I Found God in Soviet Russia
Obama's regulatory chief pushes new 'bill of rights: "A government that is constitutionally required to offer each citizen a 'useful' job....'This is not a description of Cuba, communist China or the old USSR. It's the vision of the future of the U.S, as mandated by a radical new 'bill of rights' drawn up and pushed by President Obama's newly confirmed regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein. ...in April 2005, Sunstein opened up a conference at Yale Law School entitled 'The Constitich sought to change the nature and interpretation of the Constitution by that year."
See Congressional list of Communist GoalsThe Blogger Who Nailed Van Jones: "[Former Weather Underground terrorist leader Mark Rudd] declared: '...you have to be able to look like you're doing one thing but do another. That's why all these conservative appointments are important: the strategy is feint to the right, move left. Any other strategy invites sure defeat.' ... 'Look to the second level appointments. There's a whole govt. in waiting.... They're mostly progressives....
"Loudon explains how relatively easy it was to ascertain the basic facts about Jones: 'It didn't take more than a few keystrokes to realize that STORM was very influential in the San Francisco Bay Area and had ties to both the Cuban and South African Communist Parties. Jones' group -- and particularly Jones himself --had ties to two former Weather Underground supporters... and the Bay Area branch of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. Jones was the keynote speaker at a CCDS fundraiser....
"'Obama's old friend Bill Ayers was also involved, as were leaders of CCDS, including Angela Davis, who works with several Bay Area STORM alumni, leaders of the Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America and several Institute for Policy Studies trustees and personnel.... Obama's socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the DSA. ...
'"The Obama administration boasted of its extreme vetting procedures, so I find it unlikely that if a blogger from New Zealand could identify Jones as a communist militant that the White House didn't know.'...
"'Jones and Obama have worked with the same people all the way.'... 'Twenty-two years ago Barack Obama was a Chicago Alinskyite 'community organizer.' After hooking up with the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Democratic Socialists of America, former '60s Maoists, Weather Underground supporters and Demos, he managed to land a job in the White House." See Current Communist Goals
Think you've seen the last of Van Jones? Think again... "Progressive' says his voice will be bigger than ever ... Don Hazen, executive director of the Independent Media Institute, a 'progressive' alternative media outlet heavily funded by the likes of Teresa Heinz Kerry's Tides Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation, says Jones' talents were actually wasted in the position of 'green jobs czar' Barack Obama gave him. He calls Jones 'arguably the most effective communicator in Democratic and progressive politics...'."Hazen calls departing from the White House a 'liberation' for Jones. ...it's better for the 'progressive' movement because Jones is the leader it needs on the outside. Why? - Now a he's household name. 'Although he has been wildly popular in progressive circles, and a headliner at progressive conferences.... Jones was still a relative unknown for the population at large. Now he has a national stage."
China alarmed by US money printing: "The US Federal Reserve's policy of printing money to buy Treasury debt threatens to set off a serious decline of the dollar and compel China to redesign its foreign reserve policy, according to a top member of the Communist hierarchy."
Obama's Civilian Troops Were Trained by Ayers: "The blitzkrieg of changes that Obama has implemented - the nationalization of auto companies and banks, the demonization of the bourgeois (auto executives, physicians in private practice, insurance executives), the arm-twisting behind closed doors - are of the kind we'd expect of Hugo Chavez, pal of Obama's pal, Bill Ayers." See Glossary of Marxist Terms
Van Jones: 'Resist' against police Anti-cop mission drawn up by Black Panther group: "Van Jones, President Obama's controversial environmental adviser, signed a petition calling for nationwide 'resistance' against police, accusing them of using the 9/11 attacks to carry out policies of torture. The petition was organized by the October 22nd Coalition, an anti-police organization whose mission statement was drawn up by leaders of the radical Black Panther Collective for Social Progress."
August 2009
Giving China help with cyber warfare: "The Obama administration is considering easing U.S. export controls to China even though the director for national intelligence is warning about Chinese cyber warfare threats to U.S. military information systems. In addition, there are increasing reports of Chinese military buildup to match U.S. capabilities."
[Remember when we sold supercomputers to China under President Clinton and helped China improve its satellite launching system -- the same technology as that used for launching missiles?]
July 2009
Obama 'czar' on 9/11: Blame 'U.S. imperialism'! "Van Jones, special adviser for green jobs, enterprise and innovation to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, is an admitted black nationalist and radical communist. Jones was the leader and founder of a radical group, the communist revolutionary organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM. ....Glenn Beck drew attention to a section of STORM's manual that describes Jones' organization as having a 'commitment to the fundamental ideas of Marxism-Leninism.'
'We agreed with Lenin's analysis of the state and the party,' reads the manifesto. 'And we found inspiration in the revolutionary strategies developed by Third World revolutionaries like Mao Tse-tung..." See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & Alinsky
July 2009
Europe looking at winter without heat: "Russia and its neighbor Ukraine are on the verge of another natural gas war, and this time it's prompting European countries to rush to fill gas storage facilities, but they already may be too late to avoid fuel shortages this coming winter. The looming crisis stems from Ukraine's continuing inability to pay its bills to Russia in a timely fashion. ... Now, it risks a shutdown of supply, threatening much of Europe, which obtains its supply through Ukraine. ... Some 25 percent of all of Europe's natural gas comes from Russia, of which 80 percent flows through Ukraine." See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & Alinsky
U.S.-Russia Nuclear Agreement Expected: "Senior U.S. official says Obama and Medvedev are prepared to sign an agreement lowering both the number of nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles." [How can Obama trust Communist Medvedev? Russia only speaks what fit's their goals! ]
None Dare Call It Marxism: "Liberals, even those of the Marxist variety, take umbrage when you point out their ideological kinship with Marxism. I suppose this dates back to the days when being a communist was tantamount to being an enemy of the United States, in that there was a global communist movement intent on... world domination.
"...socialism doesn't make goods and services more affordable, but less so. As Dr. Sowell explains: 'The hope for profits and the threat of losses is what forces a business owner in a capitalist economy to produce at the lowest cost and sell what the customers are most willing to pay for. ... Under socialism (there is) far less incentive to be as efficient....' Indeed, writes Sowell, most of the great fortunes in American history were amassed when entrepreneurs were able to reduce costs and charge lower prices and to increase their volume sales to mass markets....
"Both [Obama's] father, Barack Obama Sr., and his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, were communists. His church of choice was one of black liberation theology, whose Marxist roots are inarguable. He associated with far leftists on the 'organizing' streets of Chicago, including Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
"...what have Obama's words and actions revealed about his attitudes toward labor, capital, profits and government control of business and industry? Well, he said that he would raise capital gains tax rates, even if it reduced revenues, as a matter of fairness. It's only fair to make everyone poorer if you believe profits are inherently evil.... He redistributed taxpayer money from those who have paid their mortgages to those who have not.... He is desperately trying to spread the misery and impoverish businesses and individuals through his cap and tax plan, which no proponent of economic growth and prosperity would consider supporting. ....he is trying to nationalize medicine... on the flawed Marxist theory that he can reduce costs overall, when the reason health care costs have already skyrocketed is that market forces have been suppressed in the industry."
See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & Alinsky
June 2009
Russia assembling rival to NATO Organization to utilize 'rapid deployment' force of thousands: "...because of Moscow's continuing concern over NATO's eastward migration into regions such as the Caucasus and Central Asia – regions which it regards as being in its sphere of influence – Russia will bolster a collective security arrangement with post-Soviet countries." See His Peace
May 2009
U.N. Red and U.S. 'Progressives" Plan Socialist World Government: "While meaningless United Nations hand-wringing over the North Korean nuclear weapons program garners the headlines, the world body is moving ahead with a global conference to lay the groundwork for world government financed by global taxes. The communist head of the U.N. General Assembly [D’Escoto] is leading the effort, but he is getting crucial support from 'progressive' economists who advise the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party.... D’Escoto is the former foreign minister of Communist Sandinista Nicaragua.... who advocates Marxist-oriented liberation theology and won the Lenin Peace Prize from the old Soviet Union.
"...the official U.N. list of 'experts' behind the plan include an American economist, Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning professor from Columbia University who supported and contributed to Obama’s presidential campaign and advises Congressional Democrats on economic policy.... Stiglitz was quoted... as saying that the United Nations, which is notorious for corruption, had to intervene in the financial crisis because it was 'the one institution that was inclusive and had political legitimacy.'"
Gorbachev sees Russia rolling back democracy: "Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev harshly criticized Russia's political system yesterday.... Gorbachev accused Russia's current government of trying to consolidate its grip on power and stifle opposition voices.... 'We have seen the step-by-step monopolization of political activities,' Gorbachev said..."
Putin Warns West Not to Meddle With Ukraine: "Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned the West on Sunday not to meddle..."
April 2009
U.S. Education Secretary signs Partnership with Chinese Communists who put dissidents in Re-Education Camps: "U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan has signed a formal educational partnership agreement with the Peoples Republic of China... The documents signed by both Secretary Duncan and Zhou Ji include, among other items, the following initiatives: '...Consultation with the higher education community (academic institutions and organizations) take place on direct collaboration with China or the United States that includes the sharing of best teaching practices and deepening of existing ties....'
"Leading human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize-nominee Harry Wu... said the United States cannot learn anything from the Communist Chinese educational system.... The State Department’s Human Rights Report on China, dated Feb. 25, 2009, states that the Chinese government... continued to ... detain citizens for possession of unauthorized religious texts, imprison citizens for religious activities determined to be ‘extremist’....
"...the XUAR government would carry out ‘preemptive attacks,’ implement ‘antiseparatist reeducation’ across the region, and increase policing of religious groups.'" See Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz and Soviet Education
China orders tightened Internet controls: "The rules ban online videos that harm national stability, 'instigate hatred between ethnic groups' or 'maliciously disparage' the nation's police or armed forces, a notice on the government's main website said.... Chinese authorities have a history of blocking websites they deem politically unacceptable or offensive, and their censoring of the Internet has created a so-called 'Great Firewall of China.'"
Tainted Chinese drywall shows up in Katrina homes: "Sulfur-emitting wallboard from China is wreaking havoc in homes, charring electrical wires, eating away at jewelry, silverware and other valuables, and possibly even sickening families.... 'And then there's the stench, like rotten eggs, that seems to get worse with the heat and humidity.'"
Report: Chinese Develop Special "Kill Weapon" to Destroy U.S. Aircraft Carriers: "The size of the missile enables it to carry a warhead big enough to inflict significant damage on a large vessel, providing the Chinese the capability of destroying a U.S. super-carrier in one strike." See Signs of the times
Russia's Medvedev hails 'comrade' Obama: "Russia's Dmitry Medvedev hailed Barack Obama as 'my new comrade' Thursday after their first face-to-face talks.... Obama agreed to visit Moscow in July..."
China's hi-tech 'death van' where criminals are executed and then their organs are sold on black market: "China executed 1,715 people last year, so one more death would hardly be remarkable.... In chilling echoes of the 'gas-wagon' project pioneered by the Nazis to slaughter criminals, the mentally ill and Jews, this former member of the China People's Party will be handcuffed to a so-called 'humane' bed and executed inside a gleaming new, hi-tech, mobile 'death van.' After trials of the mobile execution service were launched quietly three years ago - then hushed up... before the Olympics last summer - these vehicles are now being deployed across China.... The number of executions is expected to rise to a staggering 10,000 people this year (not an impossible figure given that at least 68 crimes - including tax evasion and fraud - are punishable by death in China)....
"The Nazis used adapted vans as mobile gas chambers from 1940 until the end of World War II.... Now, six decades later... China insists these death vans are 'progress'.... And they mean that prisoners can be executed locally, closer to communities where they broke the law. 'This deters others from committing crime....
"China has traditionally always taken a ruthless, unemotional view of crime and punishment. Before injections and bullets, the most chilling sentence was... death by a thousand cuts.... The condemned man was strapped to a table and then, in what was also known as 'slow slicing', his eyes were gouged out...Using a sharp knife, the executioner sliced at the condemned's body - chopping off the ears, fingers, nose and toes....
"According to undercover investigations by human rights' groups, the police, judiciary and doctors are all involved in making millions from China's huge trade in human body parts.... After checking that the victim is dead, the medical team first remove the eyes. Then, wearing surgical gowns and masks, they remove the kidney, liver, pancreas and lungs.... The organs are dispatched in ice boxes to hospitals in the sprawling cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, which have developed another specialist trade: selling the harvested organs.
"...these organs are transplanted into the ailing bodies of the wealthy... Chinese hospitals perform up to 20,000 organ transplants each year." See Depravity
Obama, Medvedev to reset ties with arms pact: "Russia and the United States will pursue a new deal to cut nuclear warheads, presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama said on Wednesday.... Obama said he and Medvedev had begun 'constructive dialogue' on issues from nuclear proliferation to counter-terrorism to economic stability. The two leaders, both in their 40s, were meeting for the first time in London on the eve of a G20 summit to discuss the global economic crisis." But how can you believe either of them? See The Original Introduction to Animal Farm
March 2009
Why Doesn't Communism Have as Bad a Name as Nazism? "Why is it that when people want to describe particularly evil individuals or regimes, they use the terms 'Nazi' or 'Fascist' but almost never 'Communist?' Given the amount the human suffering Communists have caused - 70 million killed in China, 20-30 million in the former Soviet Union.... why is 'Communist' so much less a term of revulsion...?...
[1] Communists murdered their own people; the Nazis murdered others.... - Communism is based on lovely sounding theories; Nazism is based on heinous sounding theories.... - Germans have thoroughly exposed the evils of Nazism.... - Russians have not.... -Communism won, Nazism lost. And the winners write history."
Another key reason is explained in Orwell's Original Introduction to Animal Farm. They two were similar in many ways -- including mandatory youth service.
China’s Military Capabilities Continue to Grow: "The Chinese still look at transparency as 'a transaction to be negotiated.' U.S. officials would like the Chinese to see transparency as a responsibility.... Chinese military capabilities have increased tremendously.... Army officials have invested in the acquisition of advanced foreign weapons, and they have fueled hothouse growth in domestic defense industries. The Chinese military also has poured money into research and development. On top of this, there is a far-reaching organizational and doctrinal reform of the People’s Liberation Army.
"...its armed forces continue to develop and field disruptive military technologies, including those for anti-access/area-denial, as well as for nuclear, space and cyber warfare.... China has modernized its intercontinental ballistic missile arsenal.... They also are readying to launch a new class of ballistic missile submarines soon....
"The Chinese also can project air power using new advanced aircraft, advanced long-range surface-to-air missile systems, air surveillance systems and ship-borne air defenses.... China’s space-based reconnaissance and positioning are leading to a precision-strike capability." See Signs of the timesOur Friends the Russians? "The president has offered to abandon America’s planned deployment of an anti-missile shield in Eastern Europe in exchange for Russia’s help against Iran’s nuclear-weapons program. This is an enormous diplomatic blunder that will encourage the very worst sort of conduct from Russia — and Iran.... If, as some believe, Iran already has enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb, Russia’s supply of technology and expertise will have been very much to blame. ....The Obama administration presumably knows all this. They know about Russia’s support for Iran’s nuclear program and its ambition to resume its domination of the countries of the former Soviet Empire. Yet instead of holding Russia accountable for abetting Iran’s pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, President Obama has invited Medvedev and Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin to name their price for some vague and unspecified 'assistance' in controlling a problem that they deliberately created....
"Will the United States be pressured to mute its criticism of Russia’s human-rights abuses and the Kremlin’s links to organized crime? To recognize Russia’s extravagant claims in the Arctic? To exclude Georgia and Ukraine from NATO?" See Yuri Bezmenov on demoralization
Find previous news items on this topic at
Communism, Russia and China - Part 1, 2, 3, 4 (2007-2008).Most recent news on this topic HERE
The next four older items deal with national, international or UN security councils:
"The Russian American Nuclear Security Advisory Council was created in 1997 as an independent organization consisting of Russian and American experts with the purpose of developing new U.S.-Russian cooperative nuclear security initiatives and ensuring that existing programs become deeply rooted and are implemented expeditiously."
Does this remind you of the US-USSR Education Exchange Agreement signed by President Reagan and Gorbachev? See Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz and Soviet Education
History of the National Security Council: Two years after the birth of the United Nations with its Security Council, "The National Security Act of July 26, 1947, created the National Security Council... to coordinate foreign policy and defense policy.... The Clinton administration... expanded [the NSC membership] to include the Secretary of the Treasury, the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, the newly-created Assistant to the President for Economic Policy.... the President's Chief of Staff, and the President's National Security Adviser."
[From April 2003] Defector Reveals Russia’s Secret War Plans: "Col. Stanislav Lunev reveals the dark side of Russia’s soul -- and their continuing efforts to destroy America. The highest-ranking military spy ever to defect from Russia, Lunev warned the CIA and the FBI that Russia continues to actively plan for war with the U.S. and the West....
"Col. Lunev told, and continues to tell, America’s CIA, the FBI, DIA and other national security agencies that Russia still posed a real threat and that Russian military and spy officials were still talking, planning and preparing for war with the United States and the West. He revealed they continue to organize, support and sponsor terrorist groups world-wide. He alleged Russia uses organized crime groups to pursue their dangerous agenda." See a earlier statement by Col. Lunev in Deliver us from evil and remember Psalm 27:1-3
you know? "The Russians are building tremendous new
nuclear/biological and chemical weapons systems--all with the assistance of
US technology transfers. They are deploying on average, 3 new Topol-M 6th generation
ballistic missiles per month. We built our last MX over 10 years ago, and are
disarming unilaterally. Further, the Russian are building huge underground nuclear
bunkers and weapons production facilities in the Ural Mountains, clearly intended
to function during a nuclear war. The US intelligence community (under both
Republican and Democratic administrations) knows this and are actively covering
for the Russians, so the American people won’t become alarmed.
"Both Republican and Democratic administrations have
been supplying the Chinese with high technology weapons systems for years, knowing
that they, in turn, are supplying other enemies (Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, North
Korea) as well. ...President Clinton directed our military to absorb a nuclear
first strike rather than “launch on warning” (our only true deterrent to a first
strike)...." (Joel Skousen¹s World Affairs Brief, 10-6-01) See
Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz and Soviet Education