The Draft is Back - Again!
"Universal National Service Act of 2006" (H.R. HR 4752 IH)
June 4, 2006
by Berit Kjos
with Virginia Birt Baker, Charlotte Iserbyt and Mary Thompson
--To provide for the common defense by requiring all persons in the United States, including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes."[1]
An ominous bill was
reintroduced in Congress on February 14. If it passes, our sons and daughters will be drafted into a form of government service unlike anything we have seen in the past! Yet the media has been strangely silent. Why?
Sponsored by Democrat Charlie Rangel, it applies to all men and women from age 18 to 42. Young mothers as well as fathers would be "subject to induction." Do you wonder how this might affect family life, child raising or homeschooling?
According to H.R. 4752, those who are exempted from military duty because of health problems or "conscientious objections"
[Sec.7, 8], could be assigned to "noncombatant" or "civilian service."[1] Like other recruits into civilian service, they would be trained in collective thinking through the dialectic process.[3] [See Serving the Greater Whole]
Not only could "every U.S. Citizen" be called to mandatory service; other youths "residing in the United States" would be included as well. Would such residents include foreign students, young workers with visas, illegal aliens...? The bill doesn't tell us. Instead it leaves many specific decisions -- such as "the number of persons" needed for "the uniformed services." up to the President. (Do you wonder who might fill his shoes two years from now?) Considering the world's rising peacekeeping demands those needs could grow fast.
The "short title" is sobering: "Universal National Service Act of 2006." The word "universal" confirms that -- at the right age -- all persons would participate in this "national" program unless specifically disqualified. But the public isn't told that some of America's most powerful service organizations are part of the UN network for molding politically correct human resources through "service learning" around the world.
The "official title" of the bill
adds more details: "To provide for the common defense by
requiring all persons in the United States, including women,
between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a period of
military service or a period of civilian service in
furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for
other purposes."[1]
Notice the last phrase, "for other purposes." That
's open-ended, dear friends. It could mean anything our global managers want to do with or through the human resources at their disposal. Keep in mind, a major objective of "community service" and "service learning" is to instill new collective values in every "server," for personal beliefs must be conformed to the new pluralistic consensus. Nationalism, "fundamentalism" and other obstacles to global solidarity must be washed from their minds by immersion into diverse cultural climates and social dialogues led by trained facilitators.
At the 1998 "Fourth Global Conferences on National Youth Service (NYS)," Donald J. Eberly, the president of The International Associations of National Youth Service (IANYS), traced the history of this global project. Ponder this progression:
"...the roots of NYS as a global idea go back... to 1912, when Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy of Germany called for a Planetary Service. His idea was that young people from all nations would work together on constructive projects.
"They go back to about 1919, when Pierre Ceresole of Switzerland created Service Civil International. They go back to 1933, when President Roosevelt of the United States established the Civilian Conservation Corps.
"They go back to 1949 when Mao Zedong of China issued his twin mottoes of 'serve the people' and 'learn through practice.' [See PRAXIS]These mottoes have formed the basis for huge amounts of youth service in the decades since 1949...."[5]
Exactly. There you have the roots of today's popular "service learning." Socialist training for compliant workers!
UNESCO was a major participant in this conference. After all, it's CCIVS (Coordinating Committee on International Voluntary Service) works with over "140 member organisations... some of which are international organisations with national branches in over 100 countries."[4] United States was represented by key leaders in social and corporate development -- including the Rite of Passage Project and the Ford Foundation which has been funding "progressive" world programs for decades.[6]
All help fine-tune the psycho-social strategies that conform each server to the planned solidarity. And the Bush administration's massive education system (No Child Left Behind) -- which is part of UNESCO's world education system (Education for All) -- fits right in. From pre-school through high school, it trains children to reject traditional values, to embrace global socialism and to serve an ever-changing world community that rejects the unchanging truths of God. See "Molding Human Resources for the Global Workforce"
Universities intensify the indoctrination. But the Universal National Service may become the cultural "Rite of Passage" into adult life, pressing everyone into UNESCO's mold and sorting out those who "resist" the new global values.
On September 29, 2003, Laura Bush helped UNESCO's General Conference celebrate the U.S. return to UNESCO membership. Speaking in Paris, the First Lady -- titled the "Honorary Ambassador for the Decade of Literacy" -- reminded her audience that,
We believe in working with the nations of the world to promote the values shared by people throughout the world...."One year ago, President Bush stood before the United Nations General Assembly and pledged that the United States of America would return to UNESCO as a symbol of our nation's commitment to human dignity. Our delegation is proud to be here today representing our country and fulfilling that commitment.
As of October 1st, the United States government will once again be a full, active and enthusiastic participant in UNESCO's important mission to promote peace and freedom. And the people of my country will work with our UNESCO colleagues throughout the world to advance education, science, culture and understanding....
"[7] Emphasis added.As a UN "Ambassador for the Decade of Literacy", she apparently believes that each youth must be taught and trained to accept UNESCO's social-, cultural- and environmental literacies.
[8] Federico Mayor, former head of UNESCO, summarized their combined mission back in 1996, "Citizenship for the next century is learning to live together....The 21st Century city will be a city of social solidarity.... We have to redefine the words... [and write a new] social contract."[9] Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler were masters at redefining words and spreading propaganda. Their "social contracts" held millions captive to their socialist agendas. And all four used mandatory youth service to mold young minds and to build their own compliant labor force.[10]U.S. leaders with similar visions have been testing the concept of mandatory service for over fifty years. Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt "wanted civilian volunteers to be trained to work in nursery schools, housing projects, and other 'meaningful' jobs."[11]
Half a century later, former President George Bush promoted his "thousand points of light." Colin Power helped lead the President's Summit for America's Future. "Volunteer to be a tutor in a school," he beckoned. "Become a mentor...."[12] And President George W. Bush has used every potential crisis along the way to promote his versions of the planned national/international service system. Nothing boosted the process more effectively than the assault on the World Trade Center and the ongoing "war on terrorism."
"The best way to fight evil is by doing good," said President Bush in his 2002 State of the Union address. "...I ask all Americans to dedicate two years of their lives, the equivalent of 4000 hours to the service of our country. ...get them involved in Peace Corps, AmeriCorp, SeniorCorp or the new Citizens Corp."[13]
Last May (21), President Bush "announced a new international service initiative known as Volunteers for Prosperity, a program to enlist and deploy highly skilled professionals... to countries around the world to promote global prosperity." Volunteers would be plugged into the vast international network of non-governmental service agencies through the Freedom Corps. "We hope eventually, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands will work as volunteers in the new program," said John Bridgeland, Executive Director of USA Freedom Corps.[14]
Apparently, the military is also hoping for thousands of recruits to meet global challenges ahead. A Mother Jones article titled "No Child Left Unrecruited," exposes an amazing policy hidden in President Bush's massive education law, "No Child Left Behind." American taxpayers weren't told that "...buried deep within the law's 670 pages, is a provision requiring public secondary schools to provide military recruiters not only with access to facilities, but also with contact information for every student--or face a cutoff of all federal aid.... Recruiters are up front about their plans to use school lists to aggressively pursue students through mailing, phone calls, and personal visits--even if parents object."[15]
While the Freedom Corps and, later, the Homeland Security Department were building their vast service and defense networks, government leaders and legislators have meticulously avoided the word "mandatory" in their new laws and regulations. But their open-ended language left convenient loopholes, and participation in community service learning programs has become a standard requirement both for high school graduation and college entrance in communities across our land.
[16]During the Nixon administration, a "far-reaching proposal" for "a Universal Public Service System" exposed the hidden, long-term plans of our globalist leaders. A November, 1970 issue of the British Scott Report published an article titled "Universal Public Service System." It stated:
"The basic idea the new President's committee would explore is that 'all Americans, probably beginning somewhere between ages of 17 and 19, serve their Country for two years in one of a variety of areas, including health and social welfare programs, and the military.'
"While similar plans for a Universal Public Service System have surfaced from time to time in the past, what is significant about the new recommendation is its timing and the group making it. Drafted originally by the 'Whiz Kids' of the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations, the new Universal Public Service proposal was proposed by former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara just before he became head of the World Bank. At the time, the plan received a cold reception in Congress and was shelved....
"Recruits for the new social army would be placed in 'the school system, day care centers, mental health and mental retardation programs, general health facilities, community services, police, fire protection, environmental and urban renewal programs, VISTA, and Peace Corps.'"[2]
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? In spite of the ongoing resistance, the relentless march toward global control keeps pressing ahead.
The main target is our children and grandchildren, and we had better prepare them for the clash of values. Christians would want to care for people, but when they are forced to serve the needy through a global network that forbids the sound of His name, they are no longer free to meet spiritual needs.To resist the pressures to conform, our children must learn to recognize the subtle signs of unbiblical compromise and resist consensus thinking. It won't be easy.
Even now, all public school children -- and their values, attitudes, willingness to compromise and readiness to conform -- are being measured, monitored and tracked in the vast networks of the international information systems. As school-to-work guru Marc Tucker and others have repeatedly affirmed, higher education and better jobs will go to those whose personal data file matches the new global goals. The same "cooperative" youth may well win the more advantageous service assignments under the proposed new law. Meanwhile, "traditional" thinkers could be channeled toward the more dangerous assignments or the more watchful forms of "service learning."Those who have studied the rapid establishment of a global education system under UNESCO guidelines have -- for many years -- known both the goals and the planned outcomes of this vast transformational system. All people (young and old) must -
participate in the consensus process
learn to think collectively, not as individuals
embrace new global values that rule out Biblical truth
be ready to conform and adapt to a world of "continual change"
become world citizens, loyal to a global community, not nation or church
follow the track begun by the first pioneers in universal mind control.
As in the former Soviet Union, "service learning" is designed to accomplish all these objectives. Goals 2000, the Clinton's administration's massive education program (a continuation of the former Bush administration's America 2000) called for a Certificate of Initial Mastery (ICM) that would open or close doors to higher education and good jobs according to a person's compliance with the social
But it left a loophole. Children who dared to resist compromise would suffer the consequences (no entrance into the higher position), but they could still escape the mind-numbing strategies of today's psycho-social trainers. Evasion would be far more difficult if two looming threats become reality:
First, the universal draft into government service.
At the end of WW2, the World Health Organization (a UN agency) and the World Federation for Mental Health (NGO) were established by "mental health" leaders in the UK, USA and Canada. At the time, no branch of our government was better equipped in psycho-social warfare and mental manipulation than our military establishment. Though that may no longer be true, today's military leaders have far more advanced weapons for psychological warfare at hand. They would surely know how to mold the minds their young recruits to any prescribed outcome.
Second, the inclusion of all youth and young adults, including Christian homeschoolers, in the massive web of the international "lifelong learning" system which might soon include mandatory service -- the doorway to adult society. Today, as this web of control tightens, young families still have choices. Their children can attend
a standard public school,
a government-controlled charter school,
an accredited Christian school which has been squeezed into full compliance with global standards, or
a homeschool that is linked to local government schools and is accountable to its system of assessments and requirements.
All of the above would hold students accountable to unthinkable international standards.
If traditional homeschooling families are forced to participate in this revolutionary government agenda -- including the continual assessments that measure progress toward socialist goals -- the new global management system would challenge their freedom to follow their conscience or take a stand on the uncompromising truths of the Bible.
What about Christian service? For instance, could Christian youth meet the universal service requirement by serving at an inner-city mission? Perhaps -- if the mission is a Faith-Based government partner or accredited by a coordinating body. But only the ministries that rely on the "service learning" process to teach collectivism would fit.
David Hornbeck, former President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Superintendent of Maryland Public Schools, explained why. On January 25 1984, he testified in favor of "mandatory community service at state-approved places" before the Maryland State Board of Education. In "Human Capital," a book he co-authored with Lester Salomon, he quoted Ernest Boyer, former U.S. Commissioner of Education, as saying "in the end the goal of service in the schools is to teach values -- to help all students understand that to be fully human, one must serve."[18]
The many objections to such "involuntary servitude" has slowed the process. But the unconstitutional visions that have been driving the global agenda don't die easily. They keep coming back in new forms and at more accepting times.
"As young people mature we must help them develop...a service ethic which is geared toward the real world,: said Professor Harold G. Shane, an influential education change agent during the last four decades. Referring to "the global servant concept in which we will educate our young for planetary service and eventually for some form of world citizenship," he continued, "..implicit within the 'global servant' concept are the moral insights that will help us live with the regulated freedom we must eventually impose upon ourselves."[19]
While soldiers in military service might remain free to share their faith, Christians involved in civilian service -- in America or elsewhere -- would be restricted. They could share God's love but not His Word. They could bring physical comforts, but God's spiritual comforts would be forbidden.
What then can we do?
Pray! Make it a priority to encourage your child in Biblical faith and truth. Awaken friends, neighbors and relatives to the problem. Call or write representatives. Then put your trust in the sovereign God in the universe, who has power to guard and guide His children -- no matter how oppressive the world system becomes.
Be encouraged by the true church in China, where mandatory service was a major tool for teaching Communist ideals. In the midst of cruel oppression, the uncompromising Christians grew strong in faith -- not because of feel-good marketing or worldly prosperity, but because the beacon of their eternal hope in Christ shone all the brighter in the midst of persecution!
"Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot [conspire] a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed...."
"Blessed are all those who
put their trust in Him."
Psalm 2:1-2, 12
Links to additional information: Mandatory Service
Paul Scott, "Universal Public Service System," Scott Report, November 4, 1970.3. and
See and UNESCO's Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCVIS) at and Members and and and Donald J. Eberly, speaking at The International Associations of National Youth Service (IANYS),
6. Fourth Global Conference on National Youth Service - List of participants:
First Lady Laura Bush Says U.S. Is Proud to Rejoin UNESCO at Redefining "Literacy" for a New World Order at
9. Transcribed from taped day-long "Dialogue" on the meaning of "Solidarity" during the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II)
10.The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education at
11. Thomas Fleming, New Dealers' War, FDR and The War Within WWII (Basic Books, 2001); page 105. Her choices make sense considering the socialist views of her husband, President Franklin Roosevelt who suggested that the Masonic eye in the pyramid be put on the dollar bill. In his speech to a Joint Session of Congress, January 6, 1941, he said, "Since the beginning of our American history we have been engaged in change – in a perpetual peaceful revolution – a revolution which goes on steadily, quietly adjusting itself to changing conditions.... The 'World Order' which we seek is the co-operation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.... Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere."
12. "Let's Show Our Goodness" by Colin Powell, San Jose Mercury ( 4-27-97). (Page 5)
13. "Heal The World, Be A Volunteer -- Pres. G.W. Bush," Parade Magazine, April 21, 2002.
"Bush Announces New International Service Initiative," Washington File,
U.S. Dept. of
State, International Information Programs, Washington File, 5/21/03 at
15. "No Child Left Unrecruited," Mother Jones Magazine (Nov./Dec Issue 2002). According to "School Board Places limits on Military Recruiters' Access" by David L. Beck ( San Jose Mercury, March 30, 03), "The military recruiting law is a tiny part --Title IX, Part E, Subpart 2--of Bush administration's 2001 elementary and secondary education bill, the 'No Child Left Behind Act'. ... Students or parents who object could opt out and withhold that information." But Major Brenda Leong, a policy officer in Department of Defense, argued that "Defense and the Department of Education have enforcement powers, but only Education Department can threaten district funding. The Defense Department's policy is that opt-in' does not comply with the law.... Non compliance districts can expect a visit from a 'senior officer', followed by a letter to the governor, followed by notification to the congressional delegation."
16. A major report entitled "The Forgotten Half: Pathways to Success for America's Youth and Young Families" was published by the W.T. Grant Foundation's Commission on Work, Family and Citizenship." The November 23, 1988 issue of Education Week carried an item on the report which stated that "service projects and community service were recommended as a requirement for graduation." Now, 15 years later, the plan has become reality.
17. Brainwashing and "Education Reform" at
18. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, "the deliberate dumbing down of america: A Chronological Paper Trail" (Ravenna, Ohio: Conscience Press, 1999), page 217.
19. Professor Harold G. Shane "America's Next Twenty-five Years: Some Implications for Education", Phi Delta Kappan, September 1976.
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