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Global Management System - 2008-2009 More recent news on Global Management See also Managing change, Communitarianism and Regionalism The emerging New World Order | Reinventing the World |
December 2009
Obama for World President? "...He has never in any office run for re-election, but has instead used any current position as a boost platform for his next installation. Observers of his presidency have been puzzled by the continuing pattern: Obama is still in campaign mode, spending a good deal of time giving major policy speeches, not only in the states, but around the globe. 'What office is he running for now?'
"...a poll taken in Sept. ’09 by the BBC indicated , at that time, that a large proportion of the global sample favored Obama as world president ....my Google search of 'Obama, world President' turns up more than120, 000,000 posts."
I just Googled the same words with this result: "155,000,000 for Obama world president"
Ban lays out criteria for successful Copenhagen gathering on climate change U.N. News Centre: "As just over one month remains before nations converge in Copenhagen to ‘seal the deal’ on a new climate change agreement, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has laid out his four benchmarks for success at the negotiations in the Danish capital....
"...every country – developed and developing – must do all it can to slash emissions from all sources, including deforestation and shipping. 'A successful deal must strengthen the world’s ability to cope with an already changing climate,' Mr. Ban added..."
[The climate has always been changing! These days it's cooling, not warming.] See
Green LiesThe UNEP That We Want: "At the request of UNEP [UN Environmental Programme] and with funding from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNEP, IISD convened a group of individuals with substantial experience in international environmental affairs to reflect for a day on the nature and evolution of our environmental challenges, to discuss appropriate responses and to consider the role of UNEP in deploying these responses."
November 2009
Groups Protest UN's Islam "Protection" Plan: "Global organizations representing humanists, Christians, Jews, Baha'is, Scientologists and even several Muslim groups are lobbying against a United Nations proposal that would provide Islam with worldwide legal protection against criticism.... [This provision favoring Islamic interests] has been supported by the 57 member states of the Organisation of the the Islamic Conference, which started out promoting it as the 'Defamation of Islam' resolution but soon changed the name, although Islam still remains the only religion mentioned for protections. Essentially, it would make criticism of Islam a violation of international law."
October 2009
Real Conspiracies: Past and PresentVatican backs Obama's global agenda: "This is the untold story—how Obama and the Vatican accept major ingredients of what has been called a New World Order."
Feds to 60 Million American Anglers: We don't need you: "A recently published administration document outlines a structure that could result in closures of sport fishing in salt and freshwater areas across America. The White House created an Interagency Oceans Policy Task Force in June and gave them only 90 days to develop a comprehensive federal policy for all U.S. coastal, ocean and Great Lakes waters. Under the guise of ‘protecting’ these areas, the current second phase of the Task Force direction is to develop zoning which may permanently close vast areas of fishing waters nationwide. This is to be completed by December 9, 2009.... Recreational fishing generates a $125 billion annual economy in the United States and supports jobs in every state.... Through the Sport Fish Restoration program, anglers have provided more than $5 billion through excise taxes. ...anglers lead the nation in volunteer conservation efforts...." See The State of the World according to Gorbachev
Progressives Back Obama Push for Global Tax: "One proposal, popular at the United Nations for decades and long-advocated by Fidel Castro, is the Tobin Tax, named after Yale University economist James Tobin. Such a tax, which could affect stocks, mutual funds, and pensions, could generate hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Indeed... such a proposal 'might net some $13 trillion a year...'
President Obama used his recent speech to the United Nations to declare, "We have fully embraced the Millennium Development Goals." He left unsaid what this means. It has been calculated that this will cost the U.S. $845 billion to meet U.N. demands for a certain percentage of Gross National Product to go for official foreign aid to the rest of the world......"In his 2001 speech to the U.N. World Conference on Racism, Castro advocated the Tobin Tax specifically in order to generate U.S. financial reparations to the rest of the world. ...The only thing that has changed is that the U.S. now has a president who agrees with Castro, and he and his progressive backers believe that they can obtain a slice of the revenue for their socialist projects here as well." See
Twilight of Pax Americana: "Financially, the U.S. has been responsible for managing the global economy by acting as the market and lender of last resort. But as President Obama acknowledged at the London G-20 meeting in April, the U.S. is no longer able to play this role [Obama and his mentors are fast emasculating it], and the world increasingly is looking to China ... to be the locomotives of global recovery. ....the fiscal crisis will mean that Washington cannot discharge its military functions as a hegemon either, because it can no longer maintain the power edge that has allowed it to keep the ambitions of the emerging great powers in check.
"The entire fabric of world order that the United States established after 1945 -- the Pax Americana -- rested on the foundation of U.S. military and economic preponderance. Remove the foundation and the structure crumbles. The decline of American power means the end of U.S. dominance in world politics and the beginning of the transition to a new constellation of world powers." See Reinventing the World
September 2009
Blending Facts with Useful Illusions - Obama's UN Speech: "...the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.... says that all nations have the right to peaceful nuclear energy; that nations with nuclear weapons have a responsibility to move toward disarmament.... America intends to keep our end of the bargain. We will pursue a new agreement with Russia to substantially reduce our strategic warheads and launchers. [And what will pragmatic Russia do? Keep promises that serve their own purposes!]...
"...the goal is clear: Two states living side by side in peace and security -- a Jewish state of Israel, with true security for all Israelis and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967 [when Israel was attacked by a radical Muslim alliance, defended itself and built defendable borders], and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people....
"...we must champion those principles which ensure that governments reflect the will of the people. [Or make sure that the "will of the people" is molded -- through re-education and media control -- to fit government plans]...
"The test of our leadership will not be the degree to which we feed the fears and old hatreds of our people. True leadership will not be measured by the ability to muzzle dissent, or to intimidate and harass political opponents at home. The people of the world want change. They will not long tolerate those who are on the wrong side of history....
"Among those rights is the freedom to speak your mind and worship as you please ["rights" already being quenched in US and Europe]; the promise of equality of the races, and the opportunity for women and girls to pursue their own potential; the ability of citizens to have a say in how you are governed, and to have confidence in the administration of justice. For just as no nation should be forced to accept the tyranny of another nation, no individual should be forced to accept the tyranny of their own people...." See The emerging New World Order
Worst foreign policy ever: "Tomorrow [Thursday], President Obama will chair a special nuclear-disarmament meeting by the United Nations Security Council....
North Korea's success has encouraged Iran to move forward with its own nuclear program. The Islamic regime has agreed to talks Mr. Obama requested, but the mullahs refuse to negotiate the nuclear issue.... Wary of Iran, other Middle Eastern states are gearing up for nuclear programs, unconvinced by U.S. promises of extending a defensive umbrella. The Eastern European umbrella was abruptly closed when the Obama administration abandoned the missile-defense deployment.... This move drew plaudits from Moscow, which ... was not asked to make any reciprocal concessions to match the U.S. surrender. Russia continues militarily to occupy a significant part of Georgia, an American ally.... The only country the Obama team has tried to strong-arm is Honduras, which is desperately trying to stave off a socialist takeover by an anti-American autocrat whom the State Department has concluded is worthy of full U.S. support. ... Venezuela, meanwhile, has signed a major arms deal with Russia."Summits of Folly: "In 1943, Walter Lippmann observed that the disarmament movement had been 'tragically successful in disarming the nations that believed in disarmament.'... So what should Mr. Obama, who this week becomes the first American president to chair a session of the U.N. Security Council, choose to make the centerpiece of the Council's agenda? What else but nonproliferation and disarmament. ... But the problem with this euphemistic approach to disarmament... is that it shifts the onus from the countries that can't be trusted with nuclear weapons to those that can. Is Nicolas Sarkozy, with his force de frappe, about to start World War III? Probably not..." See
The State of the World according to GorbachevSowing the Seeds of Global Government: The Vatican’s Quest for a World Political Authority: "In 1990, a former Vatican-insider claimed that a titanic struggle was being waged to bring about a world political system. This contest, the now deceased Jesuit explained, was primarily between three players: international Leninism, transnational business elites, and the hand of the Vatican. Almost twenty years have passed since Malachi Martin drew attention to this three-way quest. At the time his assertions seemed over-the-top. Granted, the idea of a world government via communism wasn’t new.... And the writing was on the wall in respect to the growing power of international corporate and financial elites, exemplified by the likes of David Rockefeller and the Trilateral Commission....
"In the summer of 2009, the Holy See’s political cards were revealed in a major papal document. Harkening back to Malachi Martin’s talk of world government, the most powerful religious office on the planet had promoted a world political authority..... Food security, disarmament, and peace would follow suit.... But... the seeds of tyranny are often buried in the soil of good intentions....
"The world political authority
' is very clear, and Pope Benedict explains that this international agency should be given the power of enforcement... 'real teeth'...."To manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result; to bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace; to guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate migration: for all this, there is urgent need of a true world political authority, as my predecessor Blessed John XXIII indicated some years ago. "Such an authority would need to be regulated by law, to observe consistently the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, to seek to establish the common good..." Immediate controversy surrounded this paragraph." See Human NatureU.N. snubs 9/11 remembrances: "...United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon [who 'regularly honors Hiroshima dead] ignored events surrounding the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks last week. Spending some rare time at home in New York City, the globe-trotting U.N. chief did squeeze in some time to attend a local book party honoring the International Civil Service Commission (a part of the U.N. bureaucracy) and issue a statement hailing ozone preservation.... When asked if the U.N. or its secretary-general intended to issue any statement on the 9/11 anniversary, spokeswoman Marie Okabe gave a blunt 'no,' without explanation."
Warsaw Fears Washington Losing Interest in Eastern Allies: "...Obama's decision not to construct a missile shield has hit Warsaw hard, but the move was not unexpected. Now Poles are seeking to convince the administration to at least install Patriot missiles in the country....
In 1939 the Red Army marched into Poland from the east on September 17 and Hitler and Stalin divided the country between themselves. Up to today, Moscow still hasn't issued a clear apology for the attack. Exactly 70 years after the invasion, Poland is being forced to accept another defeat: US President Barack Obama has shelved his plans to build a missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic." See Auschwitz 1 & 2Obama to seal US-UN relationship: "Barack Obama will cement the new co-operative relationship between the US and the United Nations this month when he becomes the first American president to chair its 15-member Security Council. The topic for the summit-level session of the council on September 24 is nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament – one of several global challenges that the US now wants to see addressed at a multinational level." See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN
August 2009
A Report on the U.N.’s Shocking Sexuality Guidelines: "During the summer slump, two United Nations agencies — United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) — issued highly controversial new guidelines for sexuality education of children around the world. These groups have a long history of pushing 'reproductive health care, and the new report, International Guidelines on Sexuality Education, builds on an earlier report released by the International Planned Parenthood Federation to promote the 'need and entitlement' for sexuality education for children beginning at age five.
"Not surprisingly, both documents argue for 'guaranteeing' the sexual rights of children and for integrating sexuality education as an essential aspect of human rights. The Center for Reproductive Rights is cited as the source for the assertion of the absolute human 'right' of young people to have sexuality education, access to condoms, and abortion-on-demand.
" ...sexuality education is the responsibility of 'education and health authorities' not parents. Teachers and doctors, so the liberal line goes, understand the big picture and have the conceptual understanding necessary — the 'rights based approach' that excludes parents and incorporates appropriate 'practitioner experience and expert opinion.'
"Excluding parents from the process keeps them from being aware of how frequently 'sexuality education' indoctrinates against traditional values, especially 'discrimination based on sexual orientation.'...
"The report paints a very dire picture of young people’s supposed 'inadequate preparation for their sexual lives' — especially the 'conflicting and confusing messages about sexuality and gender.' ... The term 'gender' is used nearly 200 times in the 54-page report. The 'inadequacy' of current sexuality education, the report contends, leaves young people 'vulnerable to coercion, abuse and exploitation, unintended pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV.'” See Sex Ed and Global Values
Boys from Brazil better than U.S. -- President blocks oil drilling at home, funds exploration abroad: "Obama administration is willing to spend billions of dollars to fund offshore drilling in Brazil while blocking U.S. development of oil and natural gas resources by continuing environmental objections to opening U.S. offshore drilling.... Obama-supporter and billionaire hedge-fund manager George Soros bought a $811 million stake in Petroleo Brasileiro SA in the second quarter, making the Brazilian state-controlled oil company his investment fund's largest holding."
July 2009
UNESCO and its partners launch online library to celebrate world cultures: "...the United States Librarian of Congress... first proposed the creation of the online library to UNESCO in 2005, stressing that such a project could have the 'salutary effect of bringing people together by celebrating the depth and uniqueness of different cultures in a single global undertaking.' At today’s launch at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, the agency’s Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura hailed the WDL, noting that it 'offers and invaluable platform for the free flow of information, for international solidarity, for the celebration of cultural diversity and for the building of inclusive knowledge societies.” See UNESCO's "Memory of the World
Pope Endorses 'World Political Authority': "...the Pope also warns that such an international order could 'produce a dangerous universal power of a tyrannical nature' and must be guarded against somehow. ... Pope Benedict says this new international order can be accomplished through 'reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth.'...
"In terms of how this new 'world political authority' should look, the Pope says that it, too, should have 'teeth' in the form of 'the authority to ensure compliance with its decisions from all parties...' ...it pretends that a world government can co-exist with freedom and democracy." See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Red China Won't Turn Green: "'Seal the deal' has become Ban Ki-moon's battle cry in his bid to make an ambitious global climate treaty his lasting legacy. ... China alone is now the world's leading emitter of greenhouse gases and its economy will surpass the United States' by mid-century if not sooner. Yet the Secretary General has placed the entire burden of mandatory commitments on the United States and the other leading industrialized countries in the Group of 8. He said that the industrialized countries 'must lead by example in making firm commitments to reduce their emissions...' This lets China, India and Brazil off the hook.... All they have to do is try to mitigate emissions that they deem to be 'nationally appropriate'.... For this gesture, he expects the industrialized countries to give them more 'funding' and technology assistance". See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Pope calls for a UN 'with teeth': "The Pope has called for reform of the United Nations and financial bodies, giving them the 'real teeth' needed to tackle economic and social injustice. ... His encyclical letter said a reformed UN should strive for disarmament, food security and environmental protection."
June 2009
Time for 'new world order': Brazilian President: "The global financial crisis has reduced the differences between nations and created the opportunity to form a new world order, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Wednesday." See The emerging New World Order
Acting Fabian: "Prime Minister Gordon Brown... sees the crisis as an opportunity to introduce world change. Today, his voice can be heard from the halls of the European Parliament where he recently called for the creation of a 'truly global society,'...
"Bertrand Russell [said]... 'I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer. War... has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death [or a comparable pandemic] could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. There would be nothing in this to offend the consciences of the devout.... The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that?" See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
UN commission to urge governments to use censuses as development tool: "The United Nations Statistical Commission, charged with preparing a world census programme in the next five years, has recommended urging that each UN Member States undertake a population and housing census... The population and housing census is important to the preparation of 'a meaningful core set of national data and information necessary for socio-economic planning and governance,' it says." (2-18-05)
May 2009
Google joins Bilderberg cabal Rich, powerful meet secretly in Greece: "The latest meeting of the secretive, half-century-old Bilderberg Group concluded yesterday outside of Athens with a few arrests, but little news..... A police officer told the Associated Press the resort was being protected by hundreds of police, navy commandos, coast guard speedboats and two F-16 fighter planes....
"New invitees reportedly include the nouveau riche Google Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt. Henry Kissinger, a lynchpin of continuity with other secretive internationalist groups including the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, is a regular attendee.... The highly secretive meeting is off limits to press, but past reports from sources that have managed to penetrate the high-security meetings have stated that the meetings emphasize a globalist agenda and dismiss national sovereignty as regressive. The BBC declared it to be one of the most influential organizations in the world.'" See The Bilderberge
Bankrupted States=Con-Con & Newstate Constitution: "The strategically planned and forthcoming Constitutional Convention... is quite a cover story. ... [In] 1969, President Richard Nixon divided the country into 10 regions via the Government Reorganization Act.... He did so because the United Nations passed a resolution that the United States must reorganize into 10 regions....
"And the reorganizing of our former nation, achieved more than 25 years ago, and of which you know nothing, certainly suggests that 'government' as we knew it changed a long time ago. ...what would happen in the event of a really big, national 'crisis?' What powers do your states hold, or for that matter, your counties or local governments hold – especially since they are all bankrupt AND have regional managers.
"In 1964, the Ford Foundation funded an outfit called the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions to write a new constitution for our nation. After 40 drafts, a staff of 100+ people, and at a cost of 2.5 million dollars a year, a decade later (1974) the Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America was finished.... And two years later in 1976, Mr. Nelson Rockefeller, who at that time was the president of the Senate, introduced HCR 28, which called for an unlimited Constitutional Convention.... [He failed to get the needed support]
"A new Constitutional Convention is right around our corners again... with most American states now totally, conveniently, bankrupt.... The current economic 'crisis' is the tool, the highly planned and patient tool, to set up the global governing bureaucracy for real and for certain with the second convening of the Constitutional Convention in the wings.... Here is just a taste of your global privileges from your Constitution for the Newstates of America:
"Article 1-A Sec.1 - 'Freedom of expression shall not be abridged except in declared emergency."
"Article 1A Sec.8 - "The practice of religion shall be privileged."
"Article 1B Sec. 8 - "Bearing of arms shall be confined to the police, members of the armed forces, and those licensed under law."
Fed Moves to Control All the Water in the US: "Democrats aim to control every drop of water in the country, under the guise of dealing with pollution. A bill to 'clarify the jurisdiction of the United States over waters of the United States' has been introduced in the Senate — S.787, the Clean Water Restoration Act." See The U.N. Plan for Your "Sustainable" Community
Bilderbergers plan secret meeting in Greece [May 14-17]: "The Bilderberg Group is an elite invitation-only conference of influential members of the business, media and political community. Past attendees have included Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Tony Blair....
"Estulin also claims ... to have obtained a pre-meeting booklet sent out to attendees that presents a discussion of two economic options: 'Either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty ... or an intense-but-shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency." See Agenda 21: "Sustainable" Communities
April 2009
Questions On U.S. Air Sovereignty Mission: "The impending fighter shortfall in the U.S. Air Force may prompt the Pentagon to turn to the Navy to fulfill some air sovereignty missions.... The Air Force is facing the retirement of up to 80% of the fleet dedicated to conducing the air sovereignty mission in the United States without timely replacements expected." It seems as if saving the Earth [based on pseudo-science] is more important than protecting America. Remember this revealing statement from the Club of Rome:
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill..."[1] The First Global Revolution, Club of Rome, an elite think-tank (David Rockefeller, Gorbachev, etc.) working with the UN.
Older Global Management System. The State of the World According to Gorbachev: "If we leave the world to its own devices... it will mean... hunger, epidemics and wars.... The alternative is a managed process... on a global level."
Environment: "Ninety-three percent [of the American people] want the United Nations to act more effectively on global issues, primary on the environment. Eighty-four percent spoke in favor of the UN helping to develop a more sustainable development...."
Business: "Local and national economies are... integrated into a global economic system with a universal regulation system.... Transnational corporations have become a kind of common system that own one third of all production capacities on our planet."
Education: "Maybe the time has come for... a congress of reason. ... We could bring together the best minds... who would speak out on the most important issues of our time.... As the Bible said, 'In the beginning was the word' - the word that would generalize and summarize the powerful achievements of the intellectual forces after the end of the cold war."
Solidarity: "We should... help in the development of a global consciousness... to change the world for the better." See Can Global Oneness Save the Earth?
World Government: "'We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.' -- James Paul Warburg ("nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government") '...speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950.'" See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN
Gordon Brown announces 'new world order': "Gordon Brown announced the creation of a 'new world order' after the conclusion of the G20 summit."
UN is taking conrol of U.S. land in the name of conservation: "UNESCO defines the role of World Heritage Sites as protecting areas that have 'outstanding value to humanity.'... Once the determination is made that the site does meet the criteria for inclusion on the World Heritage Site list, international law takes over and future land-use decisions must abide the tenets of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.... Does America really need an international eye on her lands?"
Repeated. World Heritage "Protection" -- UNESCO's War Against National Sovereignty: "What links the Grand Canyon and Yosemite to Stonehenge, the Great Pyramids, Machu Pichu, and Auschwitz Concentration Camp? All these, along with hundreds of other scenic and cultural treasures around the world, have come under the 'protection' of UNESCO.... The rights of the global collective must replace the old Western individual rights.
"'The real enemy is a dysfunctional way of thinking,' said Al Gore in Earth in the Balance. His solution? ... We should actively search for ways to promote a new way of thinking about the current relationship between human civilization and the earth....' UNESCO is leading the way." The U.N. Plan for Your Community
The UN's 'Alliance of Civilizations': "President Obama is expected to travel early next month to Istanbul, where he will attend a meeting of a United Nations-spawned outfit called the Alliance of Civilizations.... Obama can rub shoulders at working sessions on enhancing dialogue, bridging divides, reporting across divides, bridging cultures, strengthening bonds and building peace, as well as a session on 'Islamic and Muslim Contributions to European Culture.'...
"Along with various sovereign states, these 'friends' include the Organization of the Islamic Conference (or OIC), the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (set up by the OIC), the Arab League... 'There is no representation from Israel.'" The Alliance of Civilizations
March 2009
China: Communist Strategies Enforce Solidarity[UK] Brown woos Obama on global deal: "Gordon Brown hopes to forge a partnership with President Barack Obama in Washington this week, to call for a 'global new deal' to lift the world out of recession.'...Brown will... address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.... He will argue that his 21st century 'global new deal' will also require public spending on a huge world-wide scale." The emerging New World Order
Did Hillary really pledge U.S. homes to China? "The State Department says there is 'no factual basis' to an Internet rumor.... Underlying the Internet rumor was the fact that a major purpose of Clinton's February trip to China was to make sure the Chinese would continue to buy U.S. Treasury debt in the trillions of dollars the Obama administration will need to fund the massive budgetary deficits... and an unprecedented expansion of the welfare state." See
Bernanke defends AIG rescue, says U.S. had no choice: "The U.S. government threw a fresh $30 billion lifeline to AIG on Monday, as part of a restructured bailout that had earlier swelled to about $150 billion."
February 2009
See The emerging New World OrderSen. Boxer tries to hurry children's 'rights' treaty: "...opponents argue would destroy parental rights to raise their children as they choose.... The document would create 'the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion,' which critics say would usurp the role of parents in directing their children's religious training. But Boxer said during a hearing in the Senate recently she feels a 'humiliation' that the U.S. has not adopted the plan." Ratifying this declaration would be disastrous for American families. See Trading US Rights for UN Goals
Global Taxes and Global TV Now on the Agenda: "President Obama’s pick for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, is being urged to lay the foundation for 'global governance' by considering 'international taxation' measures to loot more money from U.S. taxpayers. The recommendation is included in the report, “The Global Agenda 2009'... considered by the World Economic Forum [which met in Davos, Switzerland, January 28 - February 1]."
December 2008
With economy in shambles, Congress gets a raise: "Instead, they will get a $4,700 pay increase..."
Madoff and the Failure of the SEC: "Either people will be disillusioned with the SEC and realize that the only function that it seems to be able to do well is to stand in the way of the free market's self-policing mechanism, or they will come to the erroneous conclusion that there is too little regulation and that the SEC needs more power to protect investors."
See Reinventing the WorldEU backs plan to build nuclear fuel bank by 2010: "[It] would ensure supplies and cut the need for nations to enrich uranium, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said Monday. ... EU has decided to support the fuel bank, to be run by the UN nuclear watchdog the International Atomic Energy Agency, with a contribution of up to 25 million euros (32 million dollars)." See The 'New European Soviet'
Government Sets Us Up for the Next Bust: "Policy makers have thrown caution to the wind. Twelve-digit dollar figures are tossed about casually. ...after Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson changed course -- yet again -- and announced that the Federal Reserve would commit $800 billion more in 'new loans and debt purchases' ... The total federal commitment to date is over $7 trillion. The Fed ... 'is directly subsidizing lower mortgage rates ... doing so by printing unprecedented amounts of money, which would eventually create inflationary pressures if it were to continue unabated." This crisis may become big enough to implement The UN Plan For Human Settlements
November 2008
UN General Assembly adopts six resolutions on Middle East: "...the General Assembly today adopted by recorded vote six resolutions meant to promote the Palestinian people's rights and limit Israel's actions in Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan. ... A fourth affirmed the illegality of Israeli actions to change the status of Jerusalem. ...
"...the Assembly adopted by a recorded vote of 107 in favour to 8 against (Australia, Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, United States), with 57 in abstentions, its draft resolution on the 'Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People'.... With that text, the Assembly requested the Committee to keep promoting the Palestinians’ realization of their inalienable rights, including their right to self-determination...."
See Jerusalem and Spreading IslamBush Hands Over Reins of U.S. Economy to EU: "The results of the G-20 economic summit amount to nothing less than the seamless integration of the United States into the European economy. ...the United States has unilaterally abdicated all the gains for the concept of free markets... and surrendered, in total, to the Western European model of socialism, stagnation, and excessive government regulation. Sovereignty is out the window.... Bush agreed to subject the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and our other regulatory agencies to the supervision of a global entity that would critique its regulatory standards and demand changes if it felt they were necessary.... The European Union achieved this massive subrogation of American sovereignty the way it usually does, by negotiation, gradual bureaucratic encroachment, and without asking the voters..." See The emerging New World Order
Summit: Leaders agree to plan that will begin to reshape world financial institutions: "World leaders holding an emergency meeting to combat the economic crisis agreed Saturday to a far-reaching action plan that, over the next 4 1/2 months, would begin to reshape international financial institutions and reform worldwide regulatory and accounting rules.... British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has dubbed the wrenching process 'the birth pangs of this new global order.' ...countries such as China, Brazil and India would gain greater roles and responsibilities as part of a restructuring of the international financial system.....
"I’m a free-market person, until you’re told that if you don’t take decisive measures then it’s conceivable that our country could go into a depression greater than the Great Depression,' President George W. Bush told reporters.... Obama stayed away from the summit.... "
Does this mean that 'free-market' economics is out? Will Obama's absence save him from blame for the socialist economy ahead? See The U.N. Plan for Your Community
Obama and EU to reinvent global politics: "The Obama administration will play a big role in 'reinventing' the international system, especially on the financial side, in strong partnership with the EU.... Mr Rothkopf was talking from Washington during a video-conference organized by the Brussels branch of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, an international think-tank associated with the US State Department.... Mr Rothkopf emphasised the need for a global financial regulator.... He spoke of a 'regulatory renaissance' and of of 'fusion capitalism', by which he means seeing European and Asian visions of capitalism and how markets are to be regulated take greater prominance on the international stage." See The U.N. Plan for Your Community
lor="#003366">[UK's] Brown Seeks `Global Consensus' on Tax: "We must use the power of multilateralism to establish a global consensus on a new, decisive and systemic approach to strengthening the global economy.'' See The emerging New World Order
Yet another controversial Obama appointment: "Sonal Shah has been part of group believed to have been involved in massacre of Muslims in Gujarat and carrying out sustained campaign against Indian Christians in Orissa .... Vishwa Hari Parishad (VHP) and its student wing Bajrang Dal are believed to have been involved in the massacre of over 2,000 Muslims in Gujarat.... Sonal Shah has been the national coordinator for VHP-America .... The VHP’s head, Ashok Singhal, believes that his organisation should ‘inculcate a fear psychosis among (India’s) Muslim community.’”
They certainly have instilled fear! See Persecution
Gorbachev calls on Obama to carry out 'perestroika': "... to overcome the financial crisis and restore balance in the world." Gorbachev's Plan For A United World
Critics Protest Promotion of ‘Seditious’ Islamic Finance: "Charging that principles of Islamic law are being introduced in the United States by stealth, critics on Thursday will protest outside a U.S. Treasury Department seminar on shari’a-complaint finance. Although this is not the department’s first “Islamic Finance 101” seminar, it comes amid a new push by Muslim figures in recent weeks to promote Islamic finance as a response to the debt-fueled global financial crisis.
"Controversial Sunni scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi... told a conference in Qatar last month that Muslims should take the opportunity provided by the crisis to replace capitalism with an Islamic financial system. .... 'The collapse of the capitalist system... shows us that it is undergoing a crisis and that our integrated Islamic philosophy... can replace the Western capitalism,' he said.
"Saleh Kamel, head of the General Council of Islamic Banks, said Islam could be a 'third way,' given what he called the failures of communism and capitalism. ...
Islamic financial products are those that comply with shari’a, the Islamic legal code associated with notorious punishments including the death penalty for apostasy, and stoning and amputations for other offenses.” See Spreading Islam through Public Schools(Old but relevant) Gorbachev's Plan For A United World: "The precondition for... genuine globalization is progressive regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.” Keynote speaker Zbigniew Brzezinski, former head of the Trilateral Commission [a foreign policy adviser to Obama]
EU legislators invite Hamas lawmakers to Brussels: "European delegation visits Gaza, extends formal invitation to all elected Palestinian lawmakers, including those part of recognized terror organization.... 'We don't care who they are as long as they are members of the Legislative Council.'" See The emerging New World Order
October 2008
On the revision of the European Security Strategy: "(vi)... Welcoming the decision by the European Council to launch a re-examination of the European Security Strategy and encouraging EU High Representative and WEU Secretary-General Javier Solana to lead the way in providing the Union with a foreign, security and defence policy vision to meet the challenges of the 21st century... (viii) Taking the view that the process of reassessing the European Security Strategy is just the beginning of a more extensive strategic overhaul...." See The "New European Soviet"
Economic System. European leaders press for new economic order: "World leaders joined by aides to the new U.S. president-elect would gather before the year's end in New York and attempt to forge a new vision for the global economy. ... But experts wonder whether leaders at the proposed summit will truly be able to set aside national interests and clashing legal and business cultures to agree on a common vision. In exchange for global financial stability, nations could be forced to sacrifice autonomy and economic growth under tighter regulatory shackles.... Sarkozy...the conservative — who has in recent weeks sounded increasingly like a leftist — wants discussion on tax havens, hedge and sovereign wealth funds..." See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN
The Joseph Principle and Crisis Economics: "Watching the markets... two interlocking phrases immediately come to mind: Ordo ab Chaos, and Crisis Equals Opportunity.
"Ordo ab Chao is a Latin phrase and the motto of the Thirty-Third Degree of Freemasonry. It means, 'Order out of Chaos.' This expression portrays a simple message. Out of the chaos of extreme crisis comes a time when everything is re-made.... But you must understand; just because order has been established, it doesn’t mean that the world is the same as it was before the catastrophe. It won’t be; it can’t be....
"During the mid-1970s a 'new international economic order' was proposed....The objective of this movement... was to change the capitalist/Western-oriented world financial system into a more socialist-styled model. The Club of Rome, an elite group of eminent leaders, also supported this effort. In 1976 it fleshed out what this 'new international economic order' would look like." See The emerging New World Order
Berlusconi Says Leaders May Close World's Markets: "Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said political leaders are discussing the idea of closing the world's financial markets while they 'rewrite the rules of international finance.' ... A solution to the financial crisis 'can't just be for one country, or even just for Europe, but global.'' See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN and the radical minds behind the New World Order
The credit crunch deepened in Europe: "The credit crunch deepened in Europe as government leaders pledged to bail out troubled banks and protect depositors.... French President Nicolas Sarkozy... called for a global summit 'as soon as possible' to implement 'a real and complete reform of the international financial system.' He said 'all actors' must be supervised.... We want a new world to come out of this.''' See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN
Global authority can fill financial vacuum: "Hank Paulson, Treasury secretary, has said that foreign banks operating in the US will be eligible for federal assistance and he is urging other nations to fashion their own bail-out programmes....
"The US’s dependence on massive inflows of foreign capital, roughly $3bn...) a day, will surely increase now as Uncle Sam acquires $1,000bn in new obligations from current bail-outs. For years to come, Wall Street and Washington will be unable to manage without strong co-operation from other markets. ...
"Globalisation will now also create a clash of philosophies. Most governments and investors outside the US never shared the American system of cowboy capitalism. Now they have good reason to demand that some fundamental changes be made in the way the US manages its financial institutions....
"[A Global Monetary Authority] would act as 'bankruptcy court' for financial reorganisations of global companies above a certain size. The biggest global financial companies would have to register with the GMA and be subject to its monitoring, or be blacklisted...." See The emerging New World Order
September 2008
Economics Undone: “'Look around in any direction of our economic and social lives and try to find even one corner of our existence free from some form of direct or indirect government intrusion into our personal and interpersonal affairs.... Over time, interventionism blurs the distinction between what is moral and what is not.'...
"Sir Josiah Stamp understood this. As the former president of one of the world’s most powerful central banks – the Bank of England... Mr. Stamp knew the banking world intimately. [He said,] 'The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again." See Human Nature$920 Billion more to bail out the world: "...sponsored by Senator Barack Obama. One is the Jubilee Act, which would cancel as much as $75 billion worth of Third World debt, and the Global Poverty Act, which would cost an estimated $845 billion." [Both bills have passed the House]
UN chief calls for 'global leadership': "'I see a danger of nations looking more inward, rather than toward a shared future,' [Ban Ki-moon] said at the opening of the UN General Assembly's annual debate.... 'Nations can no longer protect their interests, or advance the well-being of their people, without the partnership of the rest."
[Even when the UN Human Rights Commission and UN affiliated religious groups ignore the evils of Zimbabwee, China and Islamic rulers -- and ban Biblical Truth? Perhaps US needs to protect itself rather than compromise with a world that despises our values] See The emerging New World Order
Chinese Melamine Contamination Triggers U.S. Recall of Instant Coffee and Tea Products: "The FDA said today that seven instant coffee and tea products sold in the United States are being recalled by King Car Food Industrial because of possible contamination with melamine.... Melamine contamination of milk products, especially infant formula, has resulted in a major public health problem in China..." See Depravity
August 2008
Brave Old World: "Russia invades Georgia. China jails dissidents. China and India pollute at levels previously unimaginable. Gulf monarchies make trillions from jacked-up oil prices. Islamic terrorists keep car bombing. Meanwhile, Europe offers moral lectures, while Japan and South Korea shrug and watch -- all in a globalized world that tunes into the Olympics each night from Beijing.
'"Citizens of the world' were supposed to share, in relative harmony, our new 'Planet Earth,' which was to have followed from an interconnected system of free trade, instantaneous electronic communications, civilized diplomacy and shared consumer capitalism. But was that ever quite true?...
"Brace yourself -- we may be on our way back to an old world, where the strong do as they will, and the weak suffer as they must." We may not agree with all the views in this article, but much of it makes sense. See The emerging New World Order
University reshuffles 'North American Union architect': "Robert Pastor – the American University professor whose writings have championed the creation of a North American Community – has resigned his position in the school's Office of International Affairs.... Pastor... is working with The Elders, the conflict-resolution group of world figures, including Nelson Mandela and Jimmy Carter."
June 2008
Islamic Bloc passes up criticism of Sudan, again: "The world's Islamic nations have ended a conference without condemning the Sudanese government's actions in Darfur despite growing calls from Arab human rights groups for the Islamic bloc to 'end its silence' over a conflict affecting millions of Muslims. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) ended a two-day meeting... on Friday with a host of resolutions ranging from reinforcing the Islamic boycott of Israel to criticizing U.S. sanctions against Syria." See Genocide
Islamic Nations Eye UN Security Council Seats: "Any proposal to reform and enlarge the U.N. Security Council 'which neglects the adequate representation of the Islamic Ummah [community] in any category of membership ... will not be acceptable to the Islamic World,' they said." See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN
Islamic Nations Want Divisive Issues on the Agenda at UN Racism Conference: "Despite the controversy surrounding a United Nations conference on racism being planned for next year, Islamic governments are reaffirming their intention to press for the inclusion of such divisive issues as 'foreign occupation' [Israel?] and criticism of Islam.... Plans for the conference have been dogged by concerns that it may produce a re-run of the last major U.N. conference on racism in Durban, South Africa in 200. The Durban conference was characterized by anti-Israel rhetoric, prompting the U.S. and Israeli delegations to withdraw in protest." See The U.N. Plan for Your Community
March 2008
You will come to love big brother: "Most people see George Orwell’s 1984 (published 1949) as fiction, but Orwell had been a Fabian Socialist and was actually warning people about a planned future dictatorship.... When Big Brother’s agent O’Brien is torturing Winston, who eventually reluctantly submits, O’Brien tortures him again and Winston is bewildered because he has already submitted. However, O’Brien explains that the goal is to have people submit not out of fear, but because they have actually come to love Big Brother and his rule over them.
"Another work most view as fiction is Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932). However, it too was about a real future we will face. On March 20, 1962, Huxley at U.C.-Berkeley revealed there will be 'scientific dictatorships of the future.' He stated: “If you can get people to assent to the state of affairs in which they are living, the state of servitude,… it seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this—that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy, who have always existed and presumably always will exist, to get people actually to love their servitude. People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy. And these methods, I think, are a real refinement on the older methods of terror, because they combine methods of terror with methods of acceptance." See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN and Animal Farm by George Orwell
February 2008
Obama's global tax proposal up for sentate vote: "The bill, which has the support of many liberal religious groups, makes levels of U.S. foreign aid spending subservient to the dictates of the United Nations. Senator Joe Biden... is trying to rush Obama’s 'Global Poverty Act' (S.2433) through his committee. The legislation would commit the U.S. to spending 0.7 percent of gross national product on foreign aid, which amounts to a phenomenal 13-year total of $845 billion over and above what the U.S. already spends. ... The bill... passed the House by a voice vote last year because most members didn’t realize what was in it." See Conforming Humanity to Socialist Solidarity
Your world is being radically re-shaped: "…and over the years this transformation has been given a variety of labels: Global Governance, the New World Order, Internationalism, World Federalism, International Management, World Law, and Global Democracy have all been used to describe the political side of these phenomena.
"In the realm of religion and society, phrases such as United Religions, Interfaithism, Religious Pluralism, Unity in Diversity, Global Citizenship, and International Solidarity express the global change of culture, thought, and faith.
"Economics, too, has its lexicon of transformation: the New Economic Order, Monetary Unions, Global Free Trade, Regional Currency Areas, the International Monetary System..." See Reinventing the World
January 2008
The U.N.'s Human-Rights Sham: "Last week the U.N. Human Rights Council held an emergency session, organized by Arab and Muslim nations, to condemn Israel for its military actions in the Gaza strip. ... In the 17 months since its inception, the body has passed 13 condemnations, 12 of them against Israel. ...Only 25 of its 47 members are classified as 'free democracies.'... Nine are classified as 'not free.' Four -- China, Cuba, Russia and Saudi Arabia -- are ranked as the 'worst of the worst.' These nations are responsible for repeated violations of the U.N.'s own Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet it is they who dominate the council, leading a powerful bloc of predominantly Arab and African nations that consistently vote as a unit....These regimes have repeatedly used the council as a powerful tool for shielding themselves from scrutiny" See Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules
One World, One Money: "This provocative discussion, enjoyed over a steaming bowl of soup, took place at the annual meeting of a multi-million dollar Christian-based relief organization. And the person I was dining with wasn’t just an interested attendee; he was a board member representing a significant regional arm of this organization.... Thus, I found his supportive statement for a world currency even more disturbing; here was an individual involved in economic decisions that impacted projects around the globe, yet he didn’t understand what he was asking for....
"Robert Mundell, 'the father of the euro,' and one of the world’s most respected economists, also views crisis as the starting point for change.... Mundell understood this political problem when giving a lecture in 2003 titled, 'The International Monetary System and the Case for a World Currency.' His response was frank: 'a global single currency could not be achieved without a global government.'" See Signs of the times
Control the food - Control the population: "In July of 2005, I went to a meeting at the Ava Missouri Sale Barn regarding a new electronic cattle identification program that was to be mandatory in January of 2006 in order to sell cattle in the State of Missouri. ... Dr Taylor Woods, a member of the NAIS Subcommittee... never said what the name of the program was, nor offered any website where one could go for information. I asked a couple of questions and then made a statement... 'It sounds like you just want to have complete control of the food supply.' Dr Woods replied, 'We already do.' It is a frightening prospect to consider any group of men in complete control of the food supply." See
The UN Plan for Food and Land
Global Food Fight Stokes Inflation: "Not only has the cost of a gallon of milk increased rapidly, so has corn, cocoa and tons of other commodities as demand continues to rise globally....
"'Global commodities ranging from oil to base metals to grains are moving higher as billions of people in China and around the world get wealthier and are consuming more as they produce products for us, and increasingly for themselves.'... Never mind the consumption of corn for alternative fuels, a major trend which is sure to drive up prices for both corn and sugar, the base of ethanol.... 'You are trying to feed people, cattle and cars, so you have this global fight between food and energy,' said Michael Lewis, global head of commodities research at Deutsche Bank..." See Reinventing the WorldThe Outrageous WTO: "The WTO just ruled that the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda can freely violate American copyrights and trademarks in order to punish the United States for our laws prohibiting internet gambling. Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in 2006 after finding that 'internet gambling is a growing cause of debt collection problems for insured depository institutions and the consumer credit industry.' ... The WTO ordered this punishment because it says U.S. laws interfere with free trade in 'recreational services.' The foreign tribunal ranks free trade as more important than the intellectual property rights Americans have enjoyed since our Constitution was written." See Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Corruption
Brzezinski Backs Obama (8-25-07): "The former national security adviser announced ... that he is supporting the junior senator from Illinois for president. ... Obama 'recognizes that the challenge is a new face, a new sense of direction, a new definition of America's role in the world,' said Brzezinski, who keeps an office at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 'Obama is clearly more effective and has the upper hand. He has a sense of what is historically relevant and what is needed from the United States in relationship to the world.'" See The emerging New World Order
Bridging Politics and Religion for Global Unification: "There is a specific 'independent religion' literally seeking to create a new world civilization, both spiritually and politically. It could even be said that world government is their spiritual mandate. To the casual outside observer looking in, this bold directive may appear preposterous. After all... this religion remains largely unknown to the general population of North America, and, arguably, much of the rest of the world...
...in the past I had seen the Bahá’ís at World Federalist events and various interfaith gatherings, but in these instances the Bahá’í representatives were just part of the background noise – like so many other attendees. But with Ahderom [the leading representative of the Bahá’í International Community] at the helm of the UN Millennium Forum, and the BIC providing media and communications outreach, database management, and direct administrative support to the Forum’s Executive Committee, it forced me to ask a simple but important question: why the Bahá’ís?" See Gorbachev's Plan For A United World
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